
Empower Event coming on the 26&27th May 2016



Technology is one of the major driving forces behind the evolution of how business gets done as well as how organisations of all sizes transform themselves into digital businesses. In an era of digital disruption, technology is the answer to how your business can thrive and not just survive.You are invited to our Microsoft Empower Technical Summit on the 26 & 27 May 2016 at Gallagher Convention Centre, Midrand.


Join us for 2 full days of training where you can expect the following training:


Deep technical training and insights from top Microsoft and industry speakers on the following topics:

Intelligent Cloud Products such as SQL Server 2016, Windows Server 2016 and Systems Centre 2016

Developer Tools and Platforms covering ALM, DevOps, Web and Mobile development

Productivity tools covering Delve, Sway, Office 365, Office 2016 and Project 2016


Cost per person: R 500.00 (exc VAT) for the two full days.


Click here to Register



Facilitated Hands on Labs covering:

Data Platform

Advanced Analytics

Big Data and IoT.

Data Canter and Hybrid Cloud


Cost per person: R 1500.00 (exc VAT) for the two full days.


Click here to Register



Industry Tracks covering:

Public Sector solutions focussing on improving citizen services in an ever increasing digital world.

Understanding the risks with moving Enterprises to the cloud and enabling the mobile work force. We will have particular focus on solution for the following industries.



Financial Services industry




Professional Services




No cost to attend this session.


Click here to Register



Technical Requirements:


Win 7 OS or higher

Laptop needs to have Internet Explorer available

Have "local admin" rights

Need to be able to connect to internet and VPN (VPN instructions will be provided in class). There will be wireless access in the class

Wi-Fi capabilities

Remember your power supply



