
Axapta Enterprise Portal Roles

Enterprise Portal in Ax 3.0 is Role based. Below are the list out-of-the-box roles that comes with EP

  • Consultant
  • Sales Rep
  • Employee
  • Emp Manager
  • Questionnaire Admin
  • Questionnaire Participant
  • Customer
  • Vendor
  • Business Relation
  • Admin

EP is designed to accommodate change from the ground up to adapt to customer needs and has a very rich customization and extension framework. It is very easy to add new roles to EP.

Below are the steps to add a new role

  1. Create a user groups
  2. Modify the permissions attached to the user group using the Axapta rich client
  3. Export the permission node to an .asg file
  4. Import the .asg file into AOT under Resources, making sure it is named EPSecurity<role> where <role> is the role name to be modified.
  5. Modify the BaseEnum called EPRoles (in AOT)
  6. Add a new element called <role> - which is the role name.
  7. When these changes have been completed, then when the EP Setup Wizard is invoked, it will show the new EP role in the list