
Installing Sysctr 2012 ConfigMgr SP1 CU2, My Notes

10/365 - All These Posted Notes

The Cumulative Update 2 for System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Service Pack 1 has been released, I decided to document some of my notes, steps and comments for future reference.

Download the CU2 from KB 2854009

Before you begin installing you need to make sure you’re sites are in Service Pack 1.

I will be installing this CU2 on my LAB, here is how my lab is setup.

· 1 CAS, with 2 node SQL Cluster

· 1 Primary

· 1 Secondary Site

Before you begin is important to ensure you have a backup plan, validate that your site server has been backup in the last 24 hours.

If you are doing the backup using ConfigMgr site maintenance, you can check In <ConfigMgrInstallationFolder>\Logs, review Smsbkup.log for warnings and errors. When site backup is completed successfully, you see Backup completed with a timestamp and message ID STATMSG: ID=5035.

If you see an error this mean the backup was not completed, of course you can also be performing a backup via SQL and that is fine. If you want to know more details about this process, check out the library.

First I will update my CAS,


Here is information, of the CAS details. It shows that is a Service Pack 1 5.00.7804.1000.

Once you download the CU2, execute CM12-SP1CU2-KB2854009-X64-ENU.exe



Make a note of the extracted location, e:\4b7d2d97951875b2fe00d2


Click Next on the following screen.


Accept the license terms, and click Next.


Once it finished validating the prerequisites click Next


Click Next on this screen, as you can see the console will be updated.


It’s very important to note that once you choose to update the database there is no way back, you will need to restore the database.

Click Next.


Since we are performing this change on the CAS, you should select them all. Click Next


This step will build the package that you can deploy to those servers that have the provider role. Click Next.


This will create the package that we could use to deploy to those users or admins that have the ConfigMgr console installed. Click Next.


This will create the package so you can deploy to the clients, click next on this screen.


Click Install


This process will take a few minutes, once this process complete the CU 2 will be installed.


Review the log file by clicking on view log, this will open e:\4b7d2d97951875b2fe00d2\cm12-sp1cu2-kb2854009-x64-enu.log, ensure there are no errors.


The Installation has been completed, no errors on this screen.


Click Finish.

CU2 Validation:

Since the Build Number did not change, the best and quick way to validate if you have a CU Installed is to validate it on the following Registry Key.



Now that we have installed the CU 2 on the Central Administration Site, it’s time to install them on the Primary and Secondary Site.

Now let’s update My Primary Site.

This process is the same, as the initial one. However this is for the Primary site, just for my notes I will be taking just those screenshots that are very important to highlight.


Here is the screenshot of my Primary Site.

Copy the hotfix from the CAS download location, execute it from the location.



Make a note of the extracted location, c:\c130e06787f9298db93e


The rest of the screenshots for the Primary Site looks the same as the CAS.

For validation, follow the steps that were described on the CAS CU 2 Installation.

Let’s update the Secondary Site.

Often we forget that we need to update the secondary sites also, if you have any secondary site please follow this steps too.


Here is the Secondary Site Information.

Copy the Hotfix from the Primary Site Location, and execute it.


Save the extracted location, just in case something fail on the process.



Click Install.

This process may take some time, just wait till it gets completed.

Monitoring the log by click on View Log, this log will give you information about the steps that are running at that moment.

Follow the steps to validate that this cumulative update is installed.

Clients Deployments

Now don’t forget to update the Console and Clients too.

Cumulative Update 2 for the Configuration Manager Client for Linux, UNIX and MAC


To update the clients to Service Pack 1 the best way is to enable automatic client upgrade, once they are on SP1 the CU 2 can be installed.

Steps to enable Automatic Client Upgrade.

Click on Administration Workspace and Do a Right click on Sites then Hierarchy Settings.


To Deploy CU 2 update to the clients, you need to create collections based on those clients that are less than 5.00.7804.1202

To Create the collection go Asset and Compliance Workspace > right click on Device Collections node, Create New Collection.


Enter the name of the collection, click Browse to select a collection limiting. You should chose all desktop and server clients, then click Next.


Click on Query Rule, wait for the query rule properties to come up.


Enter the name of this Rule, Either X64 Based Systems or X86 Based Systems.


Click on Create New


Enter the Computer System – System Type Value = X64-based PC

Click OK, Twice


On the Criteria tab of the Query Statement Properties, click on
the Create New icon.


In the Criterion Properties dialog box, select the System Resource
attribute class and the Client Version attribute.  The Where line will show System Resource –
Client Version Value. Ensure the Operator is set to is less than and in the Value box enter 5.00.7804.1202.

Click OK, on the Query Statement Properties dialog box


Click Next on this screen.


Review and Click Next


The collection is being prepared, should not take that long to complete.


Perform the same steps if you want to create the collections for the X86 Clients Too.


Time for the deployment of the agent, click on Software Library Workspace, then Expand Packages, Select Configuration Manager Update then right click SP1 Cumulative update 2.

Click on Deploy.

Note* before performing this deployment to production, you enable Suppress program notification on the program Properties. Example below, better be safe than sorry right.



Click Browse, Select CM 64 Clients then Click Next.


Click OK.


Click Next


Click Add, Select a Distribution Point that is available. Click Next once you select it.


Click Next


Select a time frame to deploy the client update, I selected ASAP because of course is my lab.

Click Next

Select Software Installation once the deadline is reached, click Next once you review this section.


Select Download content from distribution point and run locally, and click Next.


Click Next on this screen, if you have to go back click Previous.


Click Close.



Installing a CU 2 maybe look simple, easy and no brainer. However it may be more complicated that you think, I have wrote a couple of time about the installation of Cumulative Updates on my blog.




Santos Martinez - Premier Field Engineer – ConfigMgr and Databases

Disclaimer: The information on this site is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, confers no rights, and is not supported by the authors or Microsoft Corporation. Use of any included script samples are subject to the terms specified in the Terms of Use


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    No need you can yo directly to CU2.
  • Anonymous
    March 12, 2014
    You have installed Configuration Manager 2012 SP1 Cumulative Update 2 on your site server (If not see
  • Anonymous
    July 01, 2014
    Do you have to have CU1 installed prior to this install? Or can you just install CU2?