
Leveraging the power of the Orchestrator Out of Box Standard Activities

A common question we get is “Do you have an Integration Pack for <insert a product/solution here>?” Charles even wrote a blog post on this back in the Opalis days!

I wanted to ensure that everyone understood the powerful activities that come Out of the Box with Orchestrator, and all the incredible runbooks you can build without a single Integration Pack!

These activities are called the Standard Activities and are fully documented in the Orchestrator TechNet Library.  Below is a compilation of all the activities that are provided by the Orchestrator Beta.  As you can see, there are a LOT of them, 73 in fact!

Straight from the install, you can create runbooks with these activities, and very effective and powerful runbooks.

So the next question is, what benefits do the Integration Packs bring?  They allow you to compile a set of ready built activities, sometimes encapsulating a number of tasks into a single activity, they allow you to pre-configure activities, define connection string requirements and authentication mechanisms, and in some cases they are required just to hide the complexity of the tasks.  They bring elements of change and version control, and they definitely simplify and speed up the process!  But they are, in most cases, not required. We are updating a number of the Integration Packs for Orchestrator, and are committed to keeping these up to date.  We are also enabling and encouraging the Partner ecosystem and our Vendor community to build more, and then of course there is a growing technical community out there who are creating and publishing their own Integration Packs using the Quick Integration Kit (QIK).

We will be updating the QIK for the Orchestrator Release Candidate, but that’s a topic for another post Smile.

Happy Automating!


System Activities


Run Program

Run any program or command on any computer in your domain.

Run .Net Script

Run scripts that parse data or run functions against available APIs.

End Process

End processes that are running on the runbook server or on a remote computer.

Start/Stop Service

Start, stop, pause, or restart a Windows service.

Restart System

Restart a computer on your network.

Save Event Log

Save entries from an event log so that they can be used later.

Query WMI

Send a Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) query to a system that you specify and then return the results.

Run SSH Command

Open an SSH connection to a remote server and run shell commands on that server.

Get SNMP Variable

Query a network device for the value of variable that is assigned to the Management Information Base (MIB) address you specify.

Monitor SNMP Trap

Wait for an event to occur either in the Microsoft SNMP Trap Service or on a port that you specify.

Send SNMP Trap

Raise an SNMP event that can be detected by a network systems manager application.

Set SNMP Variable

Modify a variable that is specified by its Management Information Base (MIB).

Scheduling Activities


Monitor Date/Time

Invoke a runbook at a scheduled time.

Check Schedule

Verify that a runbook can run at its scheduled time.

Monitoring Activities


Monitor Event Log

Invoke a runbook when new events that match a filter appear in the Windows Event Log.

Monitor Service

Invoke a runbook when a service has been started or stopped.

Get Service Status

Check the status of a service on any computer.

Monitor Process

Invoke a runbook when a process has been started or stopped.

Get Process Status

Check the status of a running process on any computer.

Monitor Computer/IP

Send a ping to a remote computer or IP address and wait for a response.

Get Computer/IP Status

Send a ping to a remote computer or IP address and wait for a response.

Monitor Disk Space

Invoke a runbook when the disk space on a computer passes a critical threshold.

Get Disk Space Status

Retrieve the current amount of available disk space.

Monitor Internet Application

Invoke a runbook when an internet application server becomes available or unavailable.

Get Internet Application Status

Check the availability of a Web, Email (POP3 or SMTP), FTP, DNS, or custom server.

Monitor WMI

Invoke a runbook when a Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) event is received as a result of the WMI event query you specified.

File Management Activities


Compress File

Compress files into zip archives.

Copy File

Copy files from one directory to another.

Create Folder

Create new folders.

Decompress File

Decompress files contained in a zip archive file.

Delete File

Delete files.

Delete Folder

Delete a folder, sub-folder, or the entire folder tree of a directory.

Get File Status

Verify that a file exists.

Monitor File

Invoke a runbook when files in folders and sub-folder change.

Monitor Folder

Invoke a runbook when a folder or files within a folder change.

Move File

Move a file from one directory to another.

Move Folder

Move a folder and its sub-folders from one directory to another.

PGP Decrypt File

Decrypt a file or an entire folder tree.

PGP Encrypt File

Encrypt a file or an entire folder tree.

Print File

Print text files.

Rename File

Rename files.

Email Activities


Send Email

Send an email message.

Send Exchange Email

Send an email message using an exchange server.

Notification Activities


Send Event Log Message

Create an entry in the Application Windows Event Log.

Send Syslog Message

Create a message on the Syslog server.

Send Platform Event

Create an entry in the Application Windows Event Log.

Utilities Activities


Apply XSLT

Transform XML files.

Query XML

Perform an XPath query on an XML file.

Map Published Data

Transform existing published data or variable items into new content.

Compare Values

Compare two text values or two numerical values and determine whether or not they are equal.

Write Web Page

Create or add information to an HTML file.

Read Text Log

Read lines in a structured text log file.

Write to Database

Write a row into a database table.

Query Database

Query a database and return the resulting rows as published data.

Monitor Counter

Invoke a runbook when a counter has reached a specific value.

Get Counter Value

Retrieve the value of a counter and return it as a published data item.

Modify Counter

Increment and decrement a counter and reset it to its default value.

Invoke Web Services

Run a web service with XML parameters you specify.

Format Date/Time

Transform existing date and time formats into customized formats.

Generate Random Text

Generate random strings of text.

Map Network Path

Map a network path.

Disconnect Network Path

Disconnect a network path.

Text File Management Activities


Append Line

Append a line of text into a text file.

Delete Line

Delete lines from a text file.

Find Text

Find lines in a text file.

Get Lines

Get multiple lines from a text file.

Insert Line

Insert lines into a text file on a line number you specify.

Read Line

Read lines from a text file.

Search and Replace Text

Search for and replaces text in a file.

Runbook Control Activities


Initialize Data

Create a starting point in your runbook.

Return Data

Return data from your runbook to another runbook or to an external system


Publish data again from any branch.

Invoke Runbook

Run a runbook.


Adam Adam Hall Senior Technical Product Manager Orchestrator white blog

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