
WIN 7 performance tuning for VDI scenario


•             Changing Remote Desktop settings - https://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows-vista/Changing-Remote-Desktop-settings  (click on the “How can I improve the performance of Remote Desktop over a slow connection? “ link.

•             Performance Tuning Guidelines for Windows Server 2008 R2 - https://www.microsoft.com/whdc/system/sysperf/Perf_tun_srv-R2.mspx - Performance Tuning for Remote Desktop Services Knowledge Worker Workload on Page 95

There is also an interesting article that can be found at:



  • Anonymous
    March 17, 2011
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    June 22, 2012
    Dang! These Ericom Blaze guys are everywhere.  If you do a search for improving your remote desktop services, you are guarenteed to find them.  Forget their software, I want their SEO company info!