
Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 RTM is Official

Well the moment we’ve been waiting for is here. Windows 7 / Server 2008 R2 has officially been released to manufacturing. That means we’re now just waiting for the packaging machines.

Brandon LeBlanc posted a video about the RTM and sign-off process in this blog post.

One of the best things about this release is it’s predictability. We locked the feature set down early, so our OEM and hardware partners had lots of time to work on drivers, and customised installs.

One of my favourite things about Win 7 is it’s performance. It’s the first time in any operating systems’ history that the minimum machine specs went down rather than up.

The feedback from everyone on improvements, annoyances, bugs, and religious debates has been almost overwhelming. So we did as much as we could to get it incorporated into the product.

The Server side is loaded with great benefits that will allow companies to have more powerful servers, that cost less to run, and save them money. There announcement is listed in this post.

IF you are interested in when you will be able to get the real RTM build, rather than the tweaked and leaked ones, read Brandon’s post on it.

(and as some friendly advice, it’s best not to post complaints about things in the build you just installed because if you got it before today or Aug 6th most likely, it’s been pirated and probably trojaned.)