
There once was a city called Limerick...

Limerick What in the name of Munster could possibly, POSSIBLY cause the lovely Limerick to lose its esteemed City status, and be demoted to Town or even Hamlet in the eyes of the EU?

Rugby, of course!

It's all fun and games until someone loses a city, lads!


[Update: I love Limerick.  Truly I do.  And I apologise (sincerely) for bringing up its unfortunate and tired moniker 'Stab City' in the original title of this post.  As a specific example of Limerick's overstated levels of violent crime, its rate of mutant bunny attacks reported last year is significantly lower than the rate reported in Tromsø, Norway (pop. 50,000), which is arguably my favourite place in the whole wide world.  Perhaps what Limerick needs to raise its profile is a proponent as effervescent as Sligo's Aine!]
