
Just Coding

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Debugging VB6 code with Visual Studio 2008

I was reviewing an old DNA app (more on this in a different post) and I got really surprised when I...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 10/05/2009

Is UX the new Agile?

In the last days I’ve seen how the UserXperience movement is getting attention in the community and...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 09/24/2009

Classic Event Viewer

While we migrate all our servers to Windows Server 2008, quite often we need to manage remote event...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 08/24/2009

New Objectives for FY10

The vacation period has ended, my collaboration in the Terra project has finished and now I'm...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 08/21/2009

The Terra Project

El principal motivo por el que este blog ha estado tan calladito en los últimos meses, es el...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 05/03/2009

VRTA: Como medir el rendimiento de un cliente Web

Siempre que hablamos de rendimiento de aplicaciones web, instintivamente pensamos en cuantas...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 01/22/2009

Azure aka RedDog is here

Just one hour ago, Ray Ozzie has announced the new Cloud OS from Microsoft: Windows Azure, it's...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 10/27/2008

PDC Starts

Not really the PDC, just the Pre-Conf sessions. I've chosen .Net Data Access from A to Z. By now,...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 10/26/2008

Choosing a JavaScript library

Some months ago I started to dig in different JavaScript libraries like prototype, MooTools, Dojo or...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 09/29/2008

How to show CodeRegions expanded by default

If you know me, and my code, you know I dont like regions, but I cant stop people to use them,...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 09/06/2008

SEO keywords and My PageRank

In the last months I've seen how SEO has become a day-to-day conversation in web projects. From...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 05/28/2008

Video Interview

I've been interviewed by some folks of DPE, here in Spain. You can watch it here:...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 02/16/2008

trx2html supports VS 2008

See update https://blogs.msdn.com/rido/archive/2010/04/10/trx2html-0-6.aspx I have released a new...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 02/12/2008


Since gotdotnet is phased out, I'm moving all my samples to codeplex...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 09/26/2007

trx2html @ CodePlex

I have moved the trx2html project to CodePlex https://www.codeplex.com/trx2html I'm looking for...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 06/28/2007

Continuous Integration with TFS

Today I've been talking about CI with TFS in Madrid, Spain. The event has been organized by the...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 06/28/2007

TestResults Reports in TFS Builds

If you use TFSBuilds with VS UnitTests, you know how to inspect the TestResults: you must download...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 05/24/2007

Testing with VS2005 Demo

Today's workshop was based on a demo to show all the vs features about testing, it covers: Unit...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 11/27/2006

My Workshop about testing

Tomorrow I will be talking about Testing with VS2005, here is my presentation:...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 11/26/2006

Mocking SQLException

I'm working on a presentation about Testing, and one of the technics I would like to show is...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 11/26/2006

Mount ISO Files in VISTA

Because this post looks the most popular in this blog, I’ve decidede to update it. After try a lot...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 10/27/2006

My lastest desktop

Today I have switched to Vista RC2. After reinstalling the OS I have to install all the tools I use...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 10/27/2006

TFS: Change Connected user

When you setup TFS for the first time, usually you use the TFSSetup account. And with this account...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 10/24/2006

VSTS LoadTesting 64bit WebServer

Last week I had to stress a web portal running on x64 machine. Everything works as spected but when...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 10/24/2006

SQL Server Hosting toolkit

One of the most wanted features I miss from the VS2K5 platform SDLC tools is the ability to manage...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 10/22/2006

Load Test and Perf Counters

The first time I saw the Load Tests in action I got impressed: you can watch the performance...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 10/10/2006

Visual Studio vs. Vista: What's going on here?

Interesting opinions about Vista about a development environment, we have to wait for a "better...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 10/02/2006

ploeh blog : Cleaning Away The TestResults Folder

Link to ploeh blog : Cleaning Away The TestResults Folder

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 09/19/2006

Some workaround for ObjectDataSource: could not find a non-generic method '...'

Today I was playing with the new DataBind capabilities of ASP.Net 2.0, and found this error.. here...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 09/07/2006

Using Code Coverage with Manual Testing

https://blogs.msdn.com/marcalt/archive/2006/07/02/654157.aspx A good thing to remember about...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 08/28/2006

Hirlpoo West : Cool Notepad Trick

Another great trick of our old friend notepad.exe Link to Hirlpoo West : Cool Notepad Trick

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 08/22/2006

The Future of Programming Languages

Two years ago I wrote about "The Future of Programming" bercause it was the keynote at OOPSLA04. I...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 08/21/2006

Two Rules from Grady Booch

Grady Booch (the legendary methodologist) talks in an interview about architectural patterns. I...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 08/21/2006

.Net 3.0 Discussion (Who defend it?)

Since Soma announced the official rename from WinFx to .Net 3.0 everyone is talking about it here,...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 06/13/2006

My fav WinShell Trick

Good tools are forever. One of my favs is the old "Command Prompt Here" power toy. If you want to...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 06/13/2006


Updated !! now this tool has it's own homepage at codeplex www.codeplex.com/trx2html...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 05/22/2006

VSTS TestRuns Report

One of the great things about TDD and unit testing, is how you record the team progress with the...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 05/21/2006

6 months

This blog has been without any activity for 6 months, this is because my life has changed since I...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 05/17/2006

Web compatibility, Ajax in the 90s (IE3 days)

Some years ago I was focused on web development, on those days, end of the 90s, I was relativity...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 02/18/2006

Rido's agile books list

I have published aan Amazon list with my favorite agile books...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 12/07/2005

Helpers and Utils are CodeSmell's

I never like too much the concept of "helper classes", First of all I tried to found some written...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 11/17/2005

NUnit 2.2.3

I was waiting for the new version, it has been tested with .Net 2.0 RTM....

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 11/16/2005

Petzold and new IDEs

With the proximity of VS 2005 launch everybody is talking about IDEs. I know it's not a new...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 11/05/2005

Windows Live (another RSS reader)

If you are a RSS user, not just to read blogs, instead almost every syndicated content, you will be...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 11/01/2005

NUnit vs VSTS

One of the most popular open source application for .Net developers is NUnit. With the next release...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 10/30/2005


One test is better that thousand words... [TestFixture] public class XmlDataDemo { [Test] public...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 10/26/2005

Scrum for MSProject 2003

Honeslty, MSProject it's not my favorite tool to track software development projects (or at least...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 10/15/2005

Good Intentions and Abstractions

Do the simplest thing that could possibly work Do the simplest thing that could possibly work Do the...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 10/14/2005

Ultimate Developer And Power Users ToolList

Every dev has it's own tool collection, Scott offers a nice categorized selection with more than 100...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 10/09/2005


Does everybody agree about the "Principles Of Object Oriented Design" ?   from:...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 10/03/2005

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