
Performance Quiz #8 -- The problems with parsing -- Part 2

There were some great comments from the initial posting which I encourage you to read.  Many people latched on to the fact that GetToken(...) is doing a whole lot of allocations which is not something you generally want to see in a low level parsing function.  That was very high on my own list of things to think about when I wrote the code that motivated this problem.  Another excellent idea was to have GetToken() do the fact evaluation which simplifies its return code -- although this still leaves you with the problem of having to look up whether or not the fact is true and without some additional work you'd still have to allocate a string to do that.

But how much is all of this temporary string creation costing us anyway?  Is that the place to go for the big wins?

Let's keep the spirit of adventure going and look at some data; maybe you'll want to change your mind about what you recommend when you see these numbers.  I generated these views by using our very own profiler with only the public symbols, then I post-processed the .csv files that were created by vsperfreport for easy pasting.  This is all stuff you can do at home -- and unlike most of my previous postings I wasn't even using some weird internal build I happen to have on my desktop at the time, this was all on the v2.0 released bits.

OK here's that data.  First my favorite view -- the call tree starting from the program main and clipped to 2% inclusive time.

Exclusive% Inclusive% Function Name
---------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0.88 98.47 ParserOriginal.Program.Main(string[])
1.41 97.15 ParserOriginal.Program.EvaluateOr()
2.87 93.96 ParserOriginal.Program.EvaluateAnd()
3.08 81.27 ParserOriginal.Program.EvaluateOptionalNot()
1.85 40.07 | ParserOriginal.Program.EvaluateFact()
12.12 18.89 | | System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.FindEntry(!0)
0.70 3.31 | | | System.Collections.Generic.GenericEqualityComparer`1.Equals(!0,!0)
0.24 2.33 | | | | System.String.Equals(string)
2.08 2.08 | | | | System.String.EqualsHelper(string,string)
0.55 2.87 | | | System.Collections.Generic.GenericEqualityComparer`1.GetHashCode(!0)
2.32 2.32 | | | System.String.GetHashCode()
0.26 16.09 | | ParserOriginal.Program.EvaluateOr()
0.82 15.54 | | | ParserOriginal.Program.EvaluateAnd()
0.63 10.73 | | | ParserOriginal.Program.EvaluateOptionalNot()
1.95 5.26 | | | | ParserOriginal.Program.GetToken()
0.45 4.29 | | | | ParserOriginal.Program.EvaluateFact()
2.36 3.51 | | | | System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.FindEntry(!0)
0.78 3.11 | | | ParserOriginal.Program.GetToken()
1.04 2.41 | | System.String.Equals(string,string)
9.93 32.16 | ParserOriginal.Program.GetToken()
2.41 14.78 | | System.String.InternalSubStringWithChecks(int32,int32,bool)
4.22 12.37 | | | System.String.InternalSubString(int32,int32,bool)
0.02 4.71 | | | ExecuteCodeWithGuaranteedCleanupBackout(...)
0.00 4.67 | | | SystemNative::ArrayCopy(...)
0.01 4.65 | | | MethodDesc::GetStableHash(void)
0.01 4.62 | | | WKS::GCHeap::Alloc(unsigned int,unsigned long)
0.00 4.61 | | | WKS::gc_heap::allocate_more_space(...)
0.00 2.91 | | | EEVirtualProtect(...)
2.90 2.90 | | | WKS::gc_heap::try_allocate_more_space(...)
7.45 7.45 | | ParserOriginal.Program.getc()
1.21 4.97 | System.String.Equals(string,string)
3.76 3.76 | System.String.EqualsHelper(string,string)
2.60 7.71 ParserOriginal.Program.GetToken()
0.64 3.93 System.String.InternalSubStringWithChecks(int32,int32,bool)
1.29 3.29 System.String.InternalSubString(int32,int32,bool)

And then the top 25 functions sorted by exclusive time. 

Exclusive% Inclusive% Function Name
---------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16.04 49.01 ParserOriginal.Program.GetToken()
14.48 22.40 System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.FindEntry(!0)
10.49 10.49 ParserOriginal.Program.getc()
10.36 10.36 System.String.EqualsHelper(string,string)
6.68 18.67 System.String.InternalSubString(int32,int32,bool)
4.69 4.83 CLRStubOrUnknownAddress
4.42 4.42 WKS::gc_heap::try_allocate_more_space(struct alloc_context *,unsigned int,int)
3.81 22.48 System.String.InternalSubStringWithChecks(int32,int32,bool)
3.71 81.27 ParserOriginal.Program.EvaluateOptionalNot()
3.69 93.96 ParserOriginal.Program.EvaluateAnd()
3.22 11.29 System.String.Equals(string,string)
2.91 2.91 System.String.GetHashCode()
2.83 2.83 struct JIT_Writeable_Thunks JIT_Writeable_Thunks_Buf
2.42 2.42 System.String.wstrcpy(char*,char*,int32)
2.29 40.07 ParserOriginal.Program.EvaluateFact()
1.67 97.15 ParserOriginal.Program.EvaluateOr()
1.32 1.32 ParserOriginal.Program.ReadToken()
0.88 98.47 ParserOriginal.Program.Main(string[])
0.83 3.66 System.Collections.Generic.GenericEqualityComparer`1.Equals(!0,!0)
0.61 3.52 System.Collections.Generic.GenericEqualityComparer`1.GetHashCode(!0)
0.24 2.53 System.String.Equals(string)
0.12 0.12 PromoteObject(class Object * *,long *,long,long)
0.09 0.09 WKS::gc_heap::make_free_list_in_brick(unsigned char *,struct WKS::gc_heap::make_free_args *)
0.07 0.07 WKS::logcount(unsigned int)
0.07 0.07 __EH_prolog3

So with this profile in mind what kinds of gains might we expect to see from getting rid of those substrings?  Can we take a stab at an upper bound on the cost of garbage collection in this application?  I don't know about you but when I saw this data it made me rethink things quite a bit.  What do you think?

See the continuation in Performance Quiz #8 -- The problems with parsing -- Part 3


  • Anonymous
    November 23, 2005
    don't have 2.0 here to test, but is there something other than Dictionary that you could use?

    this is killing it
    return dictFacts.ContainsKey(fact);

    and on the GetToken function, would it help if the "ch" variable was global? so you wouldn't allocate it everytime
  • Anonymous
    November 23, 2005
    Note: I change from using <PRE> </PRE> to just a fixed pitch font. The <PRE> formatting was bizarre in some window sizes and it looked like half the text was missing. You will want to have a smaller font setting and/or a wider window to see tables better.

    Now isn't it surprising just how much is time spent evaluating if facts are true?

    I didn't measure this but I suspect changing "char ch" to a global in GetToken() would make things worse. Globals cost more to access than locals.

    If you don't have the 2.0 product you can still play along by installing Visual C# Express! It's FREE!
  • Anonymous
    November 23, 2005
    I tried a Dictionary of SubString structs.

    I got about a 15% increase, and totally eliminated the string allocations (Assuming you use "char GetToken()" instead of "string GetToken()". )

    Of course this gain might evaporate if a industrial strength GetHashCode is needed in a real world example. Still, all the stress in the garbage collector is eliminated.

    public struct SubString {
    string str;
    int start;
    int length;

    public SubString( string str ) {
    this.str = str;
    this.start = 0;
    this.length = str.Length;

    public SubString( string str, int start, int length ) {
    this.str = str;
    this.start = start;
    this.length = length;

    public class EqualityComparer :IEqualityComparer<SubString> {
    public bool Equals( SubString x, SubString y ) {
    if( x.length != y.length )
    return false;
    for( int i = x.start; i < x.start + x.length; ++i ) {
    if( x.str[ i ] != y.str[ i ] )
    return false;
    return true;

    public int GetHashCode( SubString str ) {
    int hashCode = 0;
    for( int i = str.start; i < str.start + str.length; ++i )
    hashCode = hashCode ^ str.str[ i ];
    return hashCode;

    //the new Dictionary
    private static Dictionary<SubString, object> dictFacts = new Dictionary<SubString, object>( new SubString.EqualityComparer() );
  • Anonymous
    November 23, 2005
    hmmm I don't think this code is quite right:

    for( int i = x.start; i < x.start + x.length; ++i ) {
    if( x.str[ i ] != y.str[ i ] )
    return false;

    I think you need something closer to this:

    int i = x.start;
    int j = y.start;

    for( int l = 0; l < x.length; l++ ) {
    if( x.str[ i+l ] != y.str[ j+l ] )
    return false;

    return true;
  • Anonymous
    November 24, 2005
    "I don't think this code is quite right"
    Go ahead and say it. It was wrong.

    So with the above "improvements", this allocation free program is about a 38% faster.
  • Anonymous
    November 24, 2005
    It was mostly right :)
  • Anonymous
    November 24, 2005
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    November 24, 2005
    I'm intrigued as to the purpose of the overall program.

    A wild guess is that you have these:

    - various versions of the same source code
    - "pass/fail" unit tests. Each fact is one such test.
    - A bunch of predicates that combine the results of the various tests to decide whether a larger subsystem works or not.

    ... and if the facts change before each run through all the predicates, it would mean that you are trying to look back through the various versions of the code, trying to automatically find the place where "mostly everything worked".

    Or something like that. Actually, having such a tool would be pretty cool :)
  • Anonymous
    November 24, 2005
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    November 24, 2005
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    November 25, 2005
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    November 25, 2005
    I ported to parser to F#, and now it runs faster :), take look at the results:
  • Anonymous
    November 26, 2005
    Hey that looked pretty fun! Nice effort!