
FeedDemon 2.1 activation problem on Windows Vista...

After that Virtual PC 2007 installation problem. this time turns to FeedDemon 2.1 installation problem on Vista... orz

The Symptoms:

When trying to install FeedDemon 2.1 trial version download and attempt to activate it using online paid account information, on the activation window, when click Next button, FeedDemon just stopped working and terminated. like this:



Unknown. according to some posts on Newsgator forums, it is possiblely caused by some IE settings or browsing security reasons since the activation window seems to embed IE inside it. also Newsgator required cookie enabled for the operations and seems new IE7 default setting is off for sites. Tried to granted cookie operation for "newsgator.com" but still failed to activate it.


Again spending hours searching internet and found no related posts about it, using this final workaround did make FeedDemon bypassed the activation process and running well in my Vista box. The tricks is to install FeedDemon and activate it on other non-Vista box, exports registry settings of the working copy, and then import the registry settings back to Vista box.

  1. Installing FeedDemon 2.1 on a non-Vista box and activate it using own Newsgator account info (I am doing this in my Win2003 server VPC box).
  2. After activation, open registry editor (regedt32.exe), located the FeedDemon registry location at "HKEY_USERS\(USER-SID)\Software\Bradbury" and export the settings to a .reg file.
  3. Install a clean copy of FeedDemon 2.1 on the target Vista box, no need to run it after installation.
  4. on the Vista box, using regedit.exe to confirm the registry location of FeedDemon, should be at "[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Bradbury]"
  5. open the registry .reg file copied from the non-Vista box, do a string replacement to change the registry location from the old one to the vista one, then save the reg file for import.
  6. on Vista's registry editor, File-> import to import from a registry file, select the file just modified and import.
  7. Now open FeedDemon on your Vista box, it should be running upon your Newsgator account.

This problem seems happened rarely since there were not many posts found in the internet. I am also wondering if this had anything to do with that my machines were all domain-joined (something set in the Group Policy by Domain Admins)...


Technorati Tags: microsoft , windowsvistafeeddemon


  • Anonymous
    March 20, 2007
    Odd.  I installed it no problem on Vista on two boxes at least one of which was on a domain at the time - wonder if there is something else in your configuration that's manifesting here? Also, did the install prompt for elevation (as I expect it would)?  It's been a few months since I've installed it so I don't remember if I had to explicitly elevate it (or run it as an XP app via AppCompat).

  • Anonymous
    March 21, 2007
    The comment has been removed