
Silverlight: mais que Firefox, Safari e Chrome... juntos :)

a comparação é meio engraçada, mas vale mesmo assim: Silverlight 2 já está presente em mais de 300 milhões de computadores no mundo.   Pra dar uma idéia, isso é mais do que o total de PC's com Firefox, Safari e Chrome... juntos  :D

What’s impressive in Silverlight’s big install number is that it’s just for version 2, which was only released about 6 months ago. That was undoubtedly thanks largely to a few huge events that used the Silverlight platform to stream on the web recently: notably, March Madness and President Obama’s Inauguration.

aqui está a notícia:https://www.techcrunch.com/2009/05/18/microsoft-says-silverlight-installed-more-than-firefox-safari-and-chrome-combined/
