
Developer of the Week: Craig Simon

Following suit from the last Developer of the Week, this week’s developer of the week is Craig Simon.  I met Craig at our phone app workshop last week, and I was amazed by the app he was able to produce using Microsoft’s App Studio, an online “Windows Phone app making program” (maybe I should coin that phrase :) ). See my previous blog post about the app builder for further details. (put hyperlink to blog).

In a few hours, Craig was able to put together his app Freestyle Players Association, an app that provides a lot of good information about the group including pictures, YouTube videos, and an RSS blog feed. How awesome is that? He was able to add tons of great content to his app in just HOURS! I was so excited about this I had to share it.

I encourage everyone to take a look at his app. Even if you don’t think you are interested in the Freestyle Players Association, you might change your mind. At the very least, this is a great example of what can be accomplished with App Studio!   

   FPA_Screen3         FPA_Screen1           FPA_Screen2

Craig is currently working on putting out a few more apps out there, so keep your ears and eyes open for more. In the meantime, feel free to follow him on twitter @gitis or his blog, as I’m sure he will share details about his upcoming apps :).