
Photowalk San Francisco - Day Two

Lands End & Golden Gate Park

by Jeff Greene /

GoldenGate_pano1Natalie Peter copy    Natalie_laff Peter and Tony  natalie GG 2 Natalie05ConseervatoryNatalie04 Natalie06


We had another nice group of guests on Tuesday for Photowalks at Lands End and Golden Gate Park in San Francisco.  About twenty people joined Miss Aniela, myself, and Ziv Gillat of Eye-Fi for some early morning shooting near along the shore in Lincoln Park, and later, for some photography around the Conservatory in Golden Gate Park.


Tomorrow we head for Los Angeles and Santa Monica for a noon photowalk around Union Station, and then at 3pm, a photowalk at Pacific Park on the Santa Monica Pier.


See all the photos from the West Coast Photowalk Tour:
