
Happy New Year from Maven and Motley!

Hello all,

Happy New Year! Hope you had an enjoyable and restful holiday season with your friends and family.

Maven and Motley are back from their extended hibernation. I was out of town for the majority of November and a good chunk of December, so that left little time for spying and reporting on the antics of these two characters. 2009 should bring them back to life.

With other projects on-the-go and my day job being busy, I likely won't keep up a regular publishing schedule with the blog, and will instead just post as I write articles. Publication frequency will likely be lower than previously, but we'll see what happens.

In the meantime, if you get a chance, drop me a line via the comments (to start) and let me know:

  • Your development goals for 2009. I am curious to know how my fellow software engineers are moving their careers forward. Perhaps I may be able to help or suggest a place to look for info.
  • A hot topic that you have been debating with someone. Perhaps we turn it into a Progressive Development blog post!
  • Any other suggested topics you may have

Thanks, and all the best in 2009!

