Deployment-Installing scale out roles with PDT
This is the last of three posts that explain how PDT can be configured to deploy a highly available configuration. The first post covered SQL clusters, the second post covered Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) clusters, and this post will cover scale out roles.
Several System Center components offer high availability by having multiple instances of a role, and other components allow scale the same way. During deployment, there are three different methods for installation of multiple instances of a role:
- Concurrent – all instances of a role can be installed at the same time. The Orchestrator Runbook Server role is an
example of this type of role, although PDT actually treats it as first then additional so that a primary runbook server can be designated.
- First then additional – an instance of a role must be installed first, then all additional instances of that role can be installed concurrently. This is typically the case when the first instance of a role creates a database. The Operations Manager Management Server role is an example of this type of role.
- Sequential – all instances of a role must be installed sequentially. This is typically because each installation of the role restarts the SQL instance that it is using. The Data Protection Manager Server role is an example of this type of role.
PDT has the ability to install scale out roles for all components – you simply need to list the instances of those roles in the <Roles> section of Variable.xml, using the correct role name. Role names are as follows:
Orchestrator (first then additional):
- First role – System Center 2012 SP1 Orchestrator Primary Runbook Server
- Additional roles - System Center 2012 SP1 Orchestrator Standby Runbook Server
Service Provider Foundation (first then additional):
- First role – System Center 2012 SP1 Service Provider Foundation Server
- Additional roles - System Center 2012 SP1 Service Provider Foundation Additional Server
App Controller (first then additional):
- First role – System Center 2012 SP1 App Controller Server
- Additional roles - System Center 2012 SP1 App Controller Additional Server
Operations Manager (first then additional):
- First role – System Center 2012 SP1 Operations Manager Management Server
- Additional roles - System Center 2012 SP1 Operations Manager Additional Management Server
Service Manager (first then additional):
- First role – System Center 2012 SP1 Service Manager Management Server
- Additional roles - System Center 2012 SP1 Service Manager Additional Management Server
Data Protection Manager (sequential):
- All roles – System Center 2012 SP1 Data Protection Manager Server
PDT pre-deployment validation will validate that all roles have dependent roles in the deployment – for example, if you are installed an Operations Manager Additional Management Server you will also need an Operations Manager Management Server. Pre-deployment validation will also validate that there are an appropriate number of instances of roles – for example, all “first role” roles above can only have a single instance, where all other roles above can have multiple instances.
Note that high availability of Service Provider Foundation and App Controller roles also requires a load balancer – PDT does not install or configure load balancing, that is required as a manual post-deployment step.
January 01, 2003
I also meant to ask the same about: System Center 2012 SP1 Service Manager Web Content Server & System Center 2012 SP1 Service Manager SharePoint Web Parts Server We are also installing two of each in a load balanced configuration. -NIckAnonymous
January 01, 2003
Bruce - do you have multiple roles of type "System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager Management Server"? You can only have one of them. The error you are seeing would indicate you have either none or multiples of that role.Anonymous
June 19, 2013
The comment has been removedAnonymous
August 07, 2014
When I do a scaled out Operations Manager, then I get a
Role: System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager Reporting Server... Failed
Missing dependency System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager Management Server
When I remove the scaled out O.M., the error goes away. Thoughts?