
Automation–Service Management Automation–SMA Runbook Toolkit Spotlight–SMART for Runbook Import and Export

Hello Readers!  Well, it has been a while since I’ve posted, but it has been for a very good reason.  I have something exciting to share that I believe will be of great benefit to those of you embarking down the path of Service Management Automation (SMA) within the Windows Azure Pack (WAP) and not only have the desire to import Runbooks created by other Runbook authors, but also wanting to share Runbooks you’ve written in a streamlined fashion.


What’s the Importance of this Post for SMA?

Well, this post introduces SMART (SMA Runbook Toolkit) for Runbook Import and Export.  What is so important about this solution? Well read on but in a nutshell, this solution will allow you to programmatically export all SMA Runbooks from your SMA environment into an atomic XML file representing each Runbook and dependencies such as variables, schedules,etc.  Using this same solution, you can take those atomic XML Runbook definitions and import them into the same or different SMA environments keeping most all the configuration data in tact.  Imagine having the option to backup your blessed copy of SMA Runbooks on a nightly basis or use this solution to move Runbooks from DEV –> QA –> PROD environments all from PowerShell. Curious now? Good, let’s get started! Open-mouthed smile

Click the Download Button to Get SMART for Runbook Import and Export


9/23/2014: The SMART Import / Export solution has been combined with the other SMART solutions. Please see the updates as well as the new download link below.

Updated SMA Runbook Toolkit (SMART) download, with new Visualization and Dependency Mapping Tool



Please see the following post to review some recent updates to this solution.

Automation–SMA Runbook Toolkit (SMART) for Runbook Import / Export–Updated!

The specific updates for this release

  • Ability to capture encrypted values from variables and credentials and store them within the XML export file (if run from inside SMA)
  • Ability to create your original credentials with this captured data in the target SMA environment you import them into
  • Minor bug updates

The updates are available in the above “DOWNLOAD” linked version.


First, let’s start with a little background on this subject.  SMA ships with a great PowerShell provider that gets you access to specific pieces within SMA related to Runbooks.

  • Get-SMARunbook – get description, log settings, tags, schedules (see below for more details)
  • Get-SMARunbookDefinition – used to get details of definition content explained a bit below such as the PowerShell
  • Edit-SMARunbook – allows you to edit an existing Runbook by updating with another PS1
  • Import-SMARunbook – allows you to import a Runbook (PS Workflow)
  • Publish-SMARunbook – allows you to publish a Runbook by name

The above are a handful of cmdlets available to get certain details about a Runbook or even a series of Runbooks  just by using PowerShell.  This gets us to the “front door” so to speak, but we need to be able to get the full picture of what encompasses a Runbook (and all its dependencies) or even a Project and all dependent artifacts that encompass that project.  Let’s start with an overview of the components of an SMA Runbook / SMA Project.

What Am I Covering in This Post?

Components of a Runbook Project – details on all artifacts are involved in a Runbook project end to end.

Solution Breakdown – what is SMART and how do you get it installed and start leveraging it

  • What is in Scope for SMART for Import and Export
  • What is out of Scope for SMART for Import and Export
  • Getting things setup to start using SMART

Examples leveraging the solution – give you some execution worthy script snippets you can leverage to run the Import / Export process in your SMA environment.

UPDATE Thank you PowerShell MVP Aleksandar Nikolić for you input and suggestions on noun-verb as well as switching from “switches” to “Boolean” for all PowerShell. Makes good sense and was happy to roll it into the solution as improvements. Keep the feedback coming!

Components of a Runbook Project

To give you some background on why this solution was made, I wanted to elaborate a bit on what makes up a Runbook and its dependencies.

Runbook PowerShell

The Runbook PowerShell itself is a configuration that can be gathered via Get-SMARunbookDefinition and there are two possible definitions (Draft and Published)

001 002 $RunbookDefinition = Get-SMARunbookDefinition –name “Runbook-Name” –Type “Published” –WebServiceEndpoint “https://localhost” $RunbookContent = $RunbookDefinition.Content #this actually retrieves the Runbook PowerShell defined


Each Runbook has a field for description. This can be used to define the function of the Runbook beyond what is implied by its name. These are defined once for both Published and Drafted versions on the Configuration tab of each Runbook.



001 002 $Runbook = Get-SMARunbook –name “Runbook-Name” –WebServiceEndPoint “https://localhost” $RunbookDescription = $Runbook.Description #gets you the description value


Tags are applied to each Runbook to help you organize your Runbooks within WAP.  These allow you to sort and search according to certain data such as “Proj:SMART”.

001 $Runbook.Tags #will get you the tags defined for your Runbook

Log Settings

Each Runbook has three defined log configurations that can be assigned [Log Debug, Log Progress, Log Verbose] and they are all set on the Configuration tab of the Runbook..


001 002 003 $Runbook.LogVerbose $Runbook.LogDebug $Runbook.LogProgress


Schedules are defined independently and also directly associated with Runbooks.  This makes it easy to find out what schedules are leveraged by the Runbook when you want to export for sharing.

001 $Runbook.Schedules #gets you the list of schedules you can then also assign to a variable to get each schedule independently

SMA Variables

SMA Variables are leveraged within an SMA Runbook by calling the cmdlet Get-SMAVariable and unfortunately have no direct dependency mapping to the Runbook other than being named directly within the Runbook PowerShell script itself.


001 $SERVER = Get-SMAVariable –name ‘ServerName’ –WebServiceEndpoint “https://localhost”

SMA Credentials

SMA Credentials are leveraged within an SMA Runbook by calling the cmdlet Get-AutomationPSCredential and also unfortunately have no direct dependency mapping to a particular Runbook other than being named directly within the Runbook PowerShell script itself.


001 $RunbookCredential = Get-AutomationPSCredential –name ‘Credential’ –WebServiceEndpoint “https://localhost”

And so you don’t have to do a lot of copy / pasting to play around with some of the existing PowerShell for Runbooks in SMA, here is all of the above in one script block for convenience.

001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 $RunbookDefinition = Get-SMARunbookDefinition –name “Runbook-Name” –Type “Published” –WebServiceEndpoint “https://localhost” $RunbookContent = $RunbookDefinition.Content #this actually retrieves the Runbook PowerShell defined $Runbook = Get-SMARunbook –name “Runbook-Name” –WebServiceEndPoint “https://localhost” $RunbookDescription = $Runbook.Description #gets you the description value $Runbook.Tags #will get you the tags defined for your Runbook $Runbook.LogVerbose $Runbook.LogDebug $Runbook.LogProgress $Runbook.Schedules #gets you the list of schedules you can then also assign to a variable to get each schedule independently

Parent and Child Runbook Relationships

As part of having a project that is defined by a top level process Runbook and a series of subroutine Runbooks, there is actually no way to draw the dependency for Parent / Child very easily.  Looking at the example below, you can see this is purely referential and there is no way to know that the Runbook ChildRunbook is being called by the parent Runbook ParentRunbook or if this call is a cmdlet, function, etc.  The association happens on publish of the parent Runbook and if the child Runbook doesn’t exist, the association doesn’t happen, more on that later.

Example Parent Runbook

001 002 003 004 Workflow ParentRunbook { ChildRunbook }

Example Child Runbook

001 002 003 004 Workflow ChildRunbook { Some PowerShell…… }

So you get the idea, a lot of components go into your Runbook projects but no clear way of extrapolating the data into an atomic “blob” of goodness that can be shared between environments easily (well not without going through what this solution does – so why not use this instead of writing your own Winking smile).

Solution Breakdown

Ok, so now that you have some background on some of the drivers of this toolkit, let’s talk about what it does and how you can leverage it.

Introducing SMART (SMA Runbook Toolkit) for Runbook Import and Export

So what is SMART for Runbook Import and Export?  Well, basically the premise around this solution is to provide a mechanism to point at your SMA environment, collect up all Runbooks and dependencies, and export those into a series of “atomic” XML blobs that can be then used by the import piece of this solution to bring into another SMA environment.

Click the Download Button to Get SMART for Runbook Import and Export


9/23/2014: The SMART Import / Export solution has been combined with the other SMART solutions. Please see the updates as well as the new download link below.

Updated SMA Runbook Toolkit (SMART) download, with new Visualization and Dependency Mapping Tool


In Scope for SMART for Runbook Import and Export

  • Runbooks, configuration data, and most assets can be exported to an XML (see below for more details)
  • XML created by the SMART export process can import Runbooks, configuration data, and most assets (see below for more details)

Runbook Export

Runbooks can be exported with the following options

Published and Draft content Both Draft and Published versions are supported for export and even better they are automatically picked up during export if Runbooks differ in content.
Runbook Tags Runbook tags are exported by default for all Runbooks if present.
Runbook Description Runbook description is exported by default for all Runbooks if present
Runbook Logging Options Runbook logging preferences are exported by default for all Runbooks if present
Runbook Schedules Runbook schedules (Daily only)  are exported using the  –ExportSchedules $True or –ExportAssets $True to export all assets supported
Leveraged SMA Variables

The following variables are supported with some restrictions

  • Encrypted: brought in only as place holders - encrypted data expected to be inputted after by IT Pro.  Use –ExportVars $True or –ExportAssets $True to get all possible assets
  • INT, BOOLEAN, String, DATE Time variables brought in with Values, Description.  Use –ExportVars $True or –ExportAssets $True to get all possible assets
  • $NULL exported as referenced but currently exported as BOOL and not supported for import (shown below)

Note Encrypted data is not exported and will need to be entered manually (if not already present in the environment) upon import using this solution. Additionally, encrypted variables are assumed to be of type string. Additional Note It is assumed that in a series of Runbooks, credentials and variables are defined according to the following format and not using string variables as names.

Get-AutomationPSCredential –name ‘SMA Credential Name’


Get-SMAVariable –name ‘SMA Variable Name’

Credentials Credentials will create placeholder credentials references in the exported XML.  Use –ExportCreds $True or –ExportsAssets $True to get all possible assets.

Runbook Import

Runbooks can be imported with the following options

Published and Draft content Published or Draft supported for import with -RunbookStatePublished” or “Draft
Runbook Tags Runbook Tags (imported by default if present)
Runbook Description Runbook Description (imported by default if present)
Runbook Logging Runbook Logging options (imported by default if present)
Runbook Schedules Runbook Schedules (Daily only) with –ImportSchedules $True or –ImportAssets $True to import all possible assets.
Leveraged SMA Variables The following SMA Variables are supported for Import
  • Encrypted (brought in only as place holders (encrypted data inputted after by IT Pro) using –ImportVars $True or –ImportAssets $True to import all possible assets
  • INT, BOOLEAN, String, DATE Time variables brought in with Values, Description (with –ImportVars $True or –ImportAssets $True to import all possible assets)
  • $NULL not supported due to limitation with cmdlets currently

Note Encrypted data is not exported and will need to be entered manually (if not already present in the environment) upon import using this solution. Additionally, encrypted variables are assumed to be of type string and will be created as encrypted string variables on import. Additional Note It is assumed that in a series of Runbooks, credentials and variables are defined according to the following format and not using string variables as names (when exported).

Get-AutomationPSCredential –name ‘SMA Credential Name’


Get-SMAVariable –name ‘SMA Variable Name’

Credentials Credentials – will create placeholder credentials in SMA environment with default credentials (only if creds do not already exist) leveraging –ImportCreds $True or –ImportAssets $True to import all possible assets.

Capabilities of Import / Export Solution (Features)

PS1 included on Export Include PS1 file as an export artifact ( -ExportPS1 $True)
Quick Publish Import Quick Publish (instead of bringing the Runbook in only in draft) by using the –Publish $True however it is recommended to use example foreach to publish post batch import to ensure parent / child Runbook relationship remains in tact
Overwrite Option Import Overwrite option (if a Runbook already exists) using –OverWrite $True.  Default the Runbook will not get overwritten if it already exists in draft mode.
Batching for Runbook Projects Runbooks can be imported / exported in batches leveraging the example Runbooks imported with the solution or via PowerShell with the examples in this post
  • Exported by anything searchable related to the Runbook such as tag, Log setting, description, name, etc.
  • Runbooks can be imported by PS1 and XML (even if both exist within the same directory)
Native PowerShell only Import Importing PS1 only brings in PowerShell
XML Import Supports Advanced Options XML brings in all enhanced atomic options (shown above)
Export All Assets Export all assets (that it currently can) by using the –ExportAssets $True  removing the requirement to specify var, cred, schedule options on the commandline.

Out of Scope for SMART for Runbook Import and Export

  • Connections
  • Secrets (that’s encrypted data)
  • NULL Variables (not supported by the cmdlets to create from PowerShell currently)
  • Updating TAGS of Published Runbooks (also not supported by cmdlets currently)

Getting Things Setup

So how do I get this thing setup you ask?  Well, go out and download the content from the TechNet Gallery location, extract it and run it.


  • This should be run from a system that has the SMA PowerShell provider installed.  This installation is available on the installation menu for Orchestrator.
  • You’ll want to make sure you have a credential to execute against SMA or the existing credential you are logged in with should have sufficient rights to import / export contents from SMA.  Leveraging –cred option will provide the ability to enter a stored credential object from a PowerShell console.
  • You should run this from an elevated “Administrator” PowerShell console or PowerShell ISE.


To get the solution installed

  • Extract the contents of the TechNet Gallery download to a system that has the PowerShell provider installed.
  • Execute the Install-SMARTForRunbookImportAndExport.PS1 from an elevated PowerShell console or ISE to import the 4 Runbooks in the RunbookXMLs folder shown above into your SMA environment.
  • The Result will be (4) Runbooks imported into your SMA environment that include Tags for easy searching
    • Export-SMARunbookToXML: This is essentially the Runbook version of the PowerShell version Export-SMARunbookToXML.PS1
    • Import-SMARunbookfromXMLorPS1: This is the Runbook version of Import-SMARunbookfromXMLorPS1.ps1
    • Invoke-SMARunbookExport: This Runbook provides a wrapper framework for executing an SMA Runbook Export
    • Invoke-SMARunbookImport: This Runbook provides a wrapper framework for executing an SMA Runbook Import


Some Examples to Get You Started

Below are some examples to get you started.  Obviously, there is a lot of flexibility in this solution and it is really meant to provide a framework you can call into to get what you need.  You’ll see what I mean in the below examples. These are meant to be examples that you could run from a PowerShell script or directly inside the Invoke-SMARunbookExport and Invoke-SMARunbookImport Runbooks that you just installed.

Export SMA Runbooks with SMART

Export a Single Runbook That has been Created within SMA (Simple Scenario)

Let’s start simple! The below example shows how you would leverage SMART to export a single Runbook from your SMA environment to include Tags, Description, Log Settings, and of course the PowerShell to an export XML. Nothing fancy like variables or credentials – just the basics.

001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 $WebServiceEndpoint = "https://localhost" $ExportDirectory = "C:\temp\Runbook-Example" $cred = Get-Credential # Find the Runbook named Runbook-Example $Runbook = Get-SmaRunbook -WebServiceEndpoint $WebServiceEndpoint ` -Credential $cred | Where-Object -Match -Property RunbookName "Runbook-Example" .\Export-SMARunbooktoXML.ps1 -RunbookName $Runbook.RunbookName -ExportDirectory $ExportDirectory ` -WebServiceEndpoint $WebServiceEndpoint –Cred $cred –EnableScriptOutput $True ` -ExportPS1 $True –ExportVars $False –ExportCreds $False –ExportSchedules $False ` -ExportAssets $False

And the results are shown below (XML result)

001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Runbook> <Name>Runbook-Example</Name> <Tag>Proj:Runbook-Example</Tag> <Configuration> <Description>A simple Runbook Example</Description> <LogDebug>False</LogDebug> <LogVerbose>False</LogVerbose> <LogProgress>False</LogProgress> </Configuration> <Published> <Definition>workflow Runbook-Example { $Services = Get-Service $Services } </Definition> </Published> <Draft> <Definition>Draft Not Unique</Definition> </Draft> </Runbook>

Export all Runbooks that Match a Particular Tag in SMA (Advanced Scenario)

Ok, let’s get a bit fancier and go after a larger set of Runbooks.

Notice in the below example, this is actually running from a PowerShell script outside of SMA calling the PS1 file directly. A few things to note.

    • Mandatory variables are established that should be updated for your environment such as $ExportDirectory and $WebServiceEndpoint
    • This example is searching SMA by tags to find all Runbooks with a particular project name
    • ExportAssets $True is specified ensuring you are exporting all assets with the Runbook on export
    • Other Boolean variables are specified with $False just to show other granular options
    • Assumption is you are executing this from a PS1 below from the working directory of SMART.
001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 $WebServiceEndpoint = "https://localhost" $ExportDirectory = "C:\temp\SQLSSK" $cred = Get-Credential # Find all Runbooks matching a specific tag $RunbooksToProcess = Get-SmaRunbook -WebServiceEndpoint $WebServiceEndpoint ` -Credential $cred | Where-Object -Match -Property Tags "Proj:SQLSSK-" foreach ($RB in $RunbooksToProcess) { .\Export-SMARunbooktoXML.ps1 -RunbookName $Rb.RunbookName -ExportDirectory $ExportDirectory ` -WebServiceEndpoint $WebServiceEndpoint -Cred $cred –EnableScriptOutput $True ` -ExportPS1 $True –ExportVars $False –ExportCreds $False –ExportSchedules $False ` -ExportAssets $True }

Note The above example is also easily shown within the SMA Runbook Invoke-SMARunbookExport. Key difference is updating the call to Export-SMARunbookfromXMLorPS1 from a PS1 to a Runbook.

Import SMA Runbooks with SMART

Import a Single Runbook from a Source Directory (Simple Scenario)

The below example takes a Runbook that has been exported with SMART into an XML and bring it into an SMA environment, leveraging the initial simple scenario I showed above for export.

001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 $WebServiceEndpoint = "https://localhost" $ImportDirectory = "c:\temp\Runbook-Example" # Specify extension! Very important. $File = "Runbook-Example.XML" $credential = Get-Credential # $True and $False used to indicate available parameters. Not all required .\Import-SMARunbookfromXMLorPS1.ps1 -ImportDirectory $ImportDirectory ` -FileName $File -overwrite:$True -RunbookState "Published" –ImportAssets $False ` -WebServiceEndpoint $WebServiceEndpoint -Port 9090 –ImportVars $False –ImportCreds $False ` -ImportSchedules $False -AuthenticationType Windows –cred $credential –Publish $True –EnableScriptOutput $True

And the result of this import process


Import all Runbooks in a particular directory (Advanced Scenario)

Notice in the below example, this is actually running from a PowerShell script outside of SMA calling the PS1 file directly. A few things to note.

  • Beginning of script establishes variables such as WebserviceEndpoint (your SMA Server) and the ImportDirectory (both are required)
  • While loop is inserted to provide the option to import all Runbooks in a project and publish them successfully
  • Each Boolean variable is shown with either a $false or $true ($false parameter/value pairs aren’t required but are shown to expose the available options).
  • The below example will import all Runbooks or PS1 files in c:\temp\RunbookXMLs to Import
  • The below example will import all defined configurations available (notice the –ImportAssets $True providing the ability to import all assets and not require the other asset parameters) in an XML or just the PS1 itself if an XML is not available.
  • Notice that an optional $EnableScriptOutput is not set below.  This is on purpose since leveraging this in a batch operation and assigning to the Runbook array to publish would actually end up populating the array with script output and unpredictable results could result Smile.
001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 # IMPORT SECTION #<# # Bulk Import from Directory with XML Files # Update $WebserviceEndpoint below if not running from the SMA server # Update $ImportDirectory to reflect where the Runbook XMLs are located $WebServiceEndpoint = "https://localhost" $ImportDirectory = "c:\temp\RunbookXMLs to Import" $Files = Get-ChildItem $ImportDirectory $credential = Get-Credential # Below while statement will go through twice to import/publish/edit/publish # Looping twice is required to ensure parent and child Runbook relationships are # properly established. $i = 0 while($i -le 1) { $RunbookArray=@() foreach ($File in $Files) { # $True and $False used to indicate available parameters. Not all required $RunbookToPublish = .\Import-SMARunbookfromXMLorPS1.ps1 -ImportDirectory $ImportDirectory ` -FileName $File.Name -overwrite:$True -RunbookState "Published" –ImportAssets $True ` -WebServiceEndpoint $WebServiceEndpoint -Port 9090 –ImportVars $False –ImportCreds $False ` -ImportSchedules $False -AuthenticationType Windows –cred $credential # Populate the Runbook listing for publishing $RunbookArray+=$RunbookToPublish } # Publish all Runbooks foreach($Runbook in $RunbookArray) { if($Runbook) { $PublishedRunbook= Publish-SMARunbook -Name $Runbook -WebServiceEndpoint $WebServiceEndpoint ` -Credential $credential -Port 9090 -AuthenticationType Windows } } $i++ }

Note The above example is also easily shown within the SMA Runbook Invoke-SMARunbookImport. Key difference is updating the call to Import-SMARunbookfromXMLorPS1 from a PS1 to a Runbook as shown below


Wrap Up

Ok, so you’ve gotten a taste of the solution and how it works.  There are more examples in the Synopsis included in the scripts and Runbooks. Just use get-help and leverage the –examples switch!

001 002 get-help .\Export-SMARunbookToXML.ps1 -Examples get-help .\Import-SMARunbookfromXMLorPS1.ps1 -Examples

I’m definitely interested in the feedback on this solution and I hope you find the features and functionality useful for your Runbook management efforts.

More Examples

Even better, let me give you some examples you can chew on from some solutions developed within the team.  This will get you started taking a look at some valid scenarios you can not only use this tool with but also leverage.

Until next time – Happy Automating! Open-mouthed smile

And for more information, tips/tricks, and example solutions for SMA, be sure to watch for future blog posts in the Automation Track!


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    @Chris Cadieux - I've updated to fix the -cred versus -credential. That was a transitional thing I think when I was updating last minute so thank you for pointing that out. Fixed in the blog post. Also will be posting a new version shortly as an update to existing so stay tuned. Should be soon.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    @Chris Cadieux thanks for the feedback. Good catch on the cred parameter, I'll get that updated!

  • Anonymous
    October 26, 2013
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    October 28, 2013
    @ Aleksandar Nikolić Thanks for the feedback.  It is appreciated. I'll consider your revisions to the verb thank you. Regarding the other piece you mention below - switches aren't supported in nested workflows for PowerShell workflow. The desire was to leverage the same PowerShell both in SMA as well as outside in native PowerShell.  Not sure you've cracked open SMA yet but you'd run into issues here.  This isn't a limitation of SMA however, it is PowerShell itself. Check out unsupported PowerShell activities here: blogs.technet.com/.../powershell-workflows-restrictions.aspx.  If you have another idea in this area, I'm all ears.  I started with switches but again - workflows nested in workflows it fails to function so I went the Boolean route. :).

  • Anonymous
    November 01, 2013
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    November 08, 2013
    Thank you Aleksandar Nikolić for the offline conversation around this solution.  To update, the compromise was I switched my switch parameters to Boolean and I do believe it is much cleaner.  Thank you for the feedback!

  • Anonymous
    December 17, 2013
    If you have been reading about and testing the new features from System Center 2012 R2, you’ve

  • Anonymous
    December 19, 2013
    Over the last two “Best Practices” posts, I’ve looked at how to Plan and Build a Hybrid Cloud, and with

  • Anonymous
    December 19, 2013
    Pingback from Success with Hybrid Cloud: Best Practices for Deploying a Hybrid Cloud

  • Anonymous
    December 20, 2013
    Pingback from PowerShell Magazine » Using PowerShell Switch vs. Boolean Parameters in SMA Runbooks

  • Anonymous
    January 14, 2014
    Goal: End to End Service Delivery Ryan Andorfer, a System Center: Cloud and Datacenter MVP, and I

  • Anonymous
    January 14, 2014
    Goal: End to End Service Delivery Ryan Andorfer, a System Center: Cloud and Datacenter MVP, and I have

  • Anonymous
    March 04, 2014
    Great work! Please verify the code of the Import-SMARunbookfromXMLorPS1.ps1. When we ran the code as per your blog write-up to import a directory (SQLSSK Runbooks), we had problems with the "-credential" parameter. The last two examples you give use "-credential". We read through the Import-SMARunbookfromXMLorPS1.ps1 and found that the parameter should be "-cred". Maybe this should be updated in the blog to be consistent.

  • Anonymous
    March 21, 2014
    在上两篇“最佳实践”文章中,我讨论了如何 规划 和 构建 混合云,完成这些技术练习之后,本文将着重探讨部署这一精心设计且构建的混合云的最佳实践。

  • Anonymous
    May 08, 2014
    Note : This tool has been included and replaced by the SMART Documentation and Conversion Helper 2.0

  • Anonymous
    September 10, 2014
    Automation–Service Management Automation–SMA Runbook Toolkit Spotlight–SMART for Runbook Import and Export - Building Clouds Blog - Site Home - TechNet Blogs

  • Anonymous
    September 23, 2014
    Hello readers / viewers. I have a topic that I think will be valuable for folks looking to ensure they

  • Anonymous
    October 26, 2014
    Automation–Service Management Automation–SMA Runbook Toolkit Spotlight–SMART for Runbook Import and Export - Building Clouds Blog - Site Home - TechNet Blogs