
Starter Kit for PerformancePoint Planning Server SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)

Check out the download center for a great package that facilitates data import for PerformancePoint Planning. It includes step by step directions on the recommended data import package steps in a typical PerformancePoint Planning Server application, a starter Visual Studio 2005 Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS) 2005 solution, plus a SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) project with two files which can be used as the starting point for Dimension and Fact data load packages.


In this sample, the Dimension data is set up to source from an Excel file, and the fact data package sources from a SQL Server database called CustomerDataScrubbed. BizCorp is a sample Performance Point Planning application used as the destination.


Make sure to read the starter instructions first, as it will explain how to use the templates, including how and where to change your database connections, package variables and configuration file settings to make it work in your environment.


The following files are contained in the PPS_SSISStarterKit Zip Folder download:

File name



Main Solution file

Starter Project Instructions.docx

Project Instructions


Contains the dimensions for the starter project in Excel 2003


Contains the sample Hierarchy for the starter project in Excel 2003 format


SSIS project file for loading dimensions


SSIS project file for loading facts


File created by Visual Studio


main project file referenced by the solution


user setting for the project


SSIS project file for configuration