
Reporting in from CeBIT 2010

Students show Chancellor Merkel Microsoft SurfaceVanessa Lee from the Microsoft Surface team is at CeBIT in Germany, where Microsoft Surface is showcasing how our product can enhance collaborative learning. The German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Prime Minister Zapatero of Spain spent time in the Microsoft Digital Classroom where Merkel spoke with students who demonstrated Surface.

Our Surface partner Sensory Minds developed four custom education applications shown at the conference.

  • Students demonstrating SurfaceWorld traveler : Students from a Berlin school prepare for their visit in Sevilla. (Special scenario for the visit of Chancellor Merkel and Prime Minister Zapatero with a live videoconference to a school in Sevilla.)
  • Media protector : Students learn how to safely explore the internet, use messenger and to protect their privacy.
  • Star explorer : Utilizing the Microsoft Worldwide Telescope, students explore the 12 zodiac signs and their star constellations. Selected demos will also include a live videoconference with a scientist at the star telescope in La Palma.
  • Young professionals: Students explore how IT is shaping modern job descriptions.

Visitors to the Microsoft booth can watch a total of 20 school classes (600 students) demonstrating exciting ways to learn with IT.

MSDN Theater Surface is also in the MSDN theater. Surface partner UID, the German agency who won the Surface Developer Challenge contest, will be presenting a 30 minute session daily, together with German DPE on how to develop applications for Surface.

CeBIT runs March 2nd through the 6th. Learn about becoming a Microsoft Surface Partner on our Microsoft Surface QuickStart site.

- Eric (follow Surface on Twitter and Facebook)