
Real World Azure: April 4th, 2012 @ the NJ Windows Azure User Group

Last month, the NJ Windows Azure User Group had a successful kick off meeting at the Microsoft office in Iselin, NJ.  The group kicked off with me delivering an overview of Windows Azure and introducing the platform.  This month, Vineet Kumar, the group’s organizer has managed to line up another stellar speaker! 

Next Wednesday, on April 4th, Jim Priestley will be giving an awesome presentation on his experience leading a team to migrate a real-world app to Windows Azure.  Jim gave this presentation at the NYC user group earlier this month to great reviews.  Here’s his abstract on the NJ Windows Azure User Group website:

Real World Azure: Migrating e-Commerce to Azure

Presented by Jim Priestley, Azure Technical Solution Specialist

Jim Priestley will review his team’s experiences migrating www.plccenter.com from an on premise ASP.Net 2.0 application to an Azure hosted MVC 3 application that now serves over 30,000 unique visitors daily.

The session will include details of the implementation including storage, performance, payment processing considerations, and tuning SQL Azure for high speed searching.

Jim Priestley recently joined Microsoft as an Azure Technical Solution Specialist in the Mid-Atlantic District.  So recently in fact, that I’ll use this post to say, “Welcome aboard Jim!”

Microsoft NJ Office - 101 Wood Ave S, 9th Floor Iselin, NJ 08830
Microsoft NJ Office - 101 Wood Ave S, 9th Floor Iselin, NJ 08830

Want to join us next Wednesday?  Then…


Date: Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Time: 6:30pm

Microsoft NJ Office
101 Wood Ave South, 9th Floor
Iselin, NJ 08830