
Banking Sustainability on the Eve of Sibos 2012

Kon nichi wa Osaka. After a missed connection on the way from Chicago, I finally checked into the hotel at midnight, thankful my luggage also survived the trip. As a wet drizzle blankets Osaka on Sunday morning the Microsoft team is making our final preparations, and it gives me a chance for a blog post on the eve of Sibos 2012.

The economics of the banking industry must change. Granted the industry is arguably the most technology-intense of all industries, but research from our partner, Temenos, shows that banking IT costs are a higher percentage of total costs than any other industry. This will remain an issue as the volumes of data and new data types stored across disparate systems continues to surge. For banks to rebuild and modernize for the future, this has to change. At Sibos this week, Microsoft and our partners will be showcasing solutions based on our technology and through our partners on our stand and throughout the exhibition that facilitate the transfer of IT costs from keeping the lights on to innovations that deliver more compelling customer experiences.

On our stand (1D03), our financial services leadership team will be discussing and showcasing solutions that provide mission critical operations at low TCO, deliver deep business insights and risk analytics through BI and big data and an integrated 360 degree view of customer relationships. Complementing this, we will be showcasing new mobile devices featuring Windows 8 that are enterprise ready to meet rigorous bank security and compliance requirements to ensure employees have access to new Apps that make them more productive, yet secure. Those same Windows 8 devices provide rich consumer experiences through which our banking partners are delivering compelling new banking experiences.

As readers of this blog you will know that Microsoft showcases solutions from several of our partners on our stand each year. To recap, this year you can see and hear how Temenos and BIAN are each driving to deliver lower cost banking operations, how Numerix is driving new models in risk management and analytics, and how Experian Payments improves reliability and efficiency in payments processing. Come to the stand (1D03), adjacent to the SWIFT main stand, to experience the new Windows 8 touch devices. Watch throughout the week for news on how Microsoft partners are delivering new mobile solutions for bank employees and end customers on Windows 8 tablets.

If you are in Osaka I wish you a successful week, and I’d be delighted to meet you at our stand. If you are following online please check back here for updates throughout the week.

Until later, sayou nara.