
Trænings overblik

Kære Partner,

Vi har nedenunder samlet de nyeste up-comming live og on-demand træninger indenfor diverse workloads. F.eks tilbyder vi i denne omgang træning på det nye SQL 2014, Windows Server 2012 og Office 365.

Office 365

New Video: Office 365 Training

Grow your cloud expertise and help your partners move to the cloud. Learn how to get started with Office 365 training – for sales and technical professionals – through this fun new video.

Courses Available On-Demand:

· Windows Azure IaaS Deep Dive:If you’re an experienced IT pro but you haven’t spent much time with Windows Azure, you’ll appreciate these real-world examples on Windows Azure infrastructure as a service (IaaS). Watch this Jump Start on-demand to learn the basics of virtual machines (VMs) and virtual networks. Our expert instructor will teach you how to configure good network communication to get things up and running in the cloud.

· Virtualizing Your Data Center with Hyper-V and System Center:IT Pros new to virtualization or with some experience who are looking for best practices will appreciate this on-demand Jump Start for a demo-rich drilldown into the latest in virtualization technology. Learn from the Microsoft experts who are also VMware certified, and see what your organization needs to embrace the cloud.

· SQL Server in Windows Azure Virtual Machines Jump Start:Find out how you can cut IT costs with a temporary cloud solution, popular for dev/test environments and in enterprise settings for BI and data warehousing. Our experts will show how you can get the full functionality and features of your data center, in the cloud, in just 10 minutes, in this on-demand Jump Start.

Mark your Calendars for these Upcoming Live Events:

· March 19: Software-Defined Networking with Windows Server and System Center Jump Start

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from Microsoft engineers how to configure, manage, and run software-defined networking in large organizations using Windows Server 2012 R2 and System Center 2012 R2. Discover best practices and deep technical guidance aimed at architects, networking engineers, virtualization specialists, IT generalists, and data center managers.  Still time to sign up!

· March 19: Fundamentals of Lean Software Delivery Jump Start

On March 19, experts Steven Borg and Andrew Clear, of Northwest Cadence, deliver an engaging Jump Start, complete with exercises you can take back to your team. “Fundamentals of Lean Software Delivery,” the third of our series, “ALM Wednesdays.” If you’re looking for fundamental theorems and how they apply, don’t miss this event.

· March 26: Enterprise Agility Is Not an Oxymoron Jump Start

The fourth course in the “ALM Wednesdays” series from MVA, scheduled for March 26, is designed to help those in leadership roles (over one or multiple teams) within medium to large organizations, who want to understand the benefits of agility in the enterprise and who are looking for practical ideas they can use right away to begin the transition. Experts Steven Borg and Cheryl Hammond share their valuable and practical insights.

· “Building Blocks” Jump Start series starts March 26

Get ready for the //build conference with a free series from MVA.  We start the series on March 26 with “Initialize(),” which focuses on various paradigms comparing JavaScript and C# side by side on the Microsoft platform.  Next up on March 27 is “Construct(),” where you learn how to create great layout and style with XAML and HTML5. And we wrap on March 28 with “Extend(),” a session on successful mobile app and smart device strategies.  Gear up for the conference with these great “Building Blocks” courses.

Partner Academy Live Sessions, SQL 2014

Den 3. april afholder vi tp partner webcast omkring partner mulighederne indenfor SQL 2014. Nedenstående webcasts har samme indhold, så vælg den der passer dig bedst tidsmæssigt.

Academy Live Session




Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Partner Opportunities

April 3

Session 1: 8AM PST

Join the 8AM PST Session

Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Partner Opportunities

April 3

Session 2: 5PM PST

Join the 5PM PST Session