
Reno Hackathon 2014

Congratulations to the winners announced at the Reno Hackathon!

Many of the participants used GameMaker by YoYo Games to create an app.  A testimony to GameMaker Studio is that most who were using it were doing so for the first time – and of that group, some had no development background whatsoever! This was highlighted in the news coverage by KRNV Channel 4 as seen here:


Although the participants took the Hackathon seriously, the event was full of energy, prizes, and great networking.  There was a variety among the attendees – students, entrepreneurs, moonlighters, and newbies.  For a glimpse of what the journey was like, check out the news coverage by KTVN Channel 2:


The Reno Gazette-Journal also noted the activity corresponding with the Hackathon involving tech for NASA.

The Microsoft licensing team in Reno demonstrated their logistical prowess which resulted in everything running smoothly.  Special thanks to Bruno Terkaly and tech-celebrity Sarah Austin (with PlexiNLP) for contributing their technical mentorship to all!
