
Palermo4 on MSDN

Technical Blog of J. Michael Palermo IV

CSS3 Colors–HSLA to RGBA

In my previous post on CSS3 Colors – RGBA vs. HSLA, I provided a script to easily convert RGB to HSL...

Author: palermo4 Date: 02/06/2012

CSS3 Colors–RGBA vs. HSLA

There really is no battle between RGBA and HSLA. Either can accomplish the task of discovering the...

Author: palermo4 Date: 02/03/2012

Feature Detection Script for CSS3 Selectors

If you are a serious HTML5|CSS3 developer, you have undoubtedly come across the amazing resource...

Author: palermo4 Date: 02/02/2012

A Few Things You Should Never Know

Despite a sense of self-entitlement, there are a few things that should NEVER be known to you...

Author: palermo4 Date: 02/01/2012

HTML5 for the Real World

Here are the resources for the “HTML5 for the Real World” Presentation given at...

Author: palermo4 Date: 01/28/2012

Technical Level of Understanding

How often are you asked something like: "How good are you at…""Have you used…""What is your...

Author: palermo4 Date: 01/18/2012

How to Start in Safe Mode using BitLocker

Here are the steps you need to take if you need to start your Windows OS in "Safe Mode" when the...

Author: palermo4 Date: 01/11/2012

Top Blog Posts of 2011

The year 2011 was my first full year as a Microsoft blue-badge. In looking back on all my blog...

Author: palermo4 Date: 01/05/2012

HTML5 Form Inputs

My latest article published at DevProConnections is about collecting and validating data using the...

Author: palermo4 Date: 12/07/2011

ASU CIS Information Session

I had the great pleasure of speaking to an amazing crowd of students on campus at ASU on Tuesday,...

Author: palermo4 Date: 11/30/2011

HTML5 Web Camp Videos

The highly popular HTML5 Web Camp events sponsored by Microsoft are typically filled to capacity...

Author: palermo4 Date: 11/10/2011

HTML5 Syntax & Semantics

My latest article published by DevProConnections is dealing with a fundamental yet very...

Author: palermo4 Date: 11/02/2011

Tech Travel Tips: Mouse Without Borders

For the serious tech traveller – one who take 2 or more notebook computers on the road – this tip is...

Author: palermo4 Date: 11/01/2011

WUX201 Transition Your Sites to CSS3

The CSS3 session that followed the HTML5 session was very fun to presesnt. Thanks to all who...

Author: palermo4 Date: 10/20/2011

WUX202 HTML5 for the Real World

A very big thank you to all the attendees of the HTML5 session at TechEd Africa. Please enjoy the...

Author: palermo4 Date: 10/20/2011

DTL202 Visual Studio 2010 Tips & Tricks

Thanks to all who attended my session on Visual Studio 2010 Tips & Tricks at Tech-Ed Africa...

Author: palermo4 Date: 10/18/2011

Tech-Ed Africa 2011

I am returning to Africa this month for the fourth year to speak at Tech-Ed in Durban at the ICC. I...

Author: palermo4 Date: 10/07/2011

Want to be a Microsoft Developer Evangelist?

It has nearly been a year since I joined Microsoft, and the adventure has been amazing.  I love...

Author: palermo4 Date: 10/06/2011

HTML5 Web Camp–Phoenix, AZ

I am excited to announce the highly popular HTML5 Web Camp is coming to Phoenix, AZ on September...

Author: palermo4 Date: 09/09/2011

AZGiveCamp in October 2011

What is a GiveCamp you might ask? What is AZGiveCamp? What happens at these events? Who is invited?...

Author: palermo4 Date: 09/01/2011

Microsoft Biology Foundation Workshop

Register now! ASU (Biodesign Institute Auditorium) will be host to a two day course on September 8th...

Author: palermo4 Date: 08/30/2011

Developers in AZ, CA, CO, NM, NV, and UT

I am often asked by developers I meet at technical events: “Are there any Microsoft events coming up...

Author: palermo4 Date: 08/29/2011

HTML5 is in Style

The next article at DevProConnections is out! This article is all about using the new features in...

Author: palermo4 Date: 08/28/2011

HTML5 Web Camp in LA

The HTML5 Web Camp in LA was clearly the best one yet.  Hats off to all the volunteers and the...

Author: palermo4 Date: 08/24/2011

Tech Travel Tips: Outlets To Go

When I travel, the hotel rooms are usually lacking with regard to a sufficient number of power...

Author: palermo4 Date: 08/15/2011

Windows 8 Interview Caught On Video

Author: palermo4 Date: 08/11/2011

Tech Travel Tips: Mini Laptop Cooling Fan

When a product works better than hoped for, it deserves praise.  With my heavy travel burden, I...

Author: palermo4 Date: 08/01/2011

What is the SSS in HTML5?

This will be the first of a series of blog posts to help someone new to HTML5 development.  The...

Author: palermo4 Date: 07/29/2011

Microsoft Training Courses at Pluralsight

I am thrilled to announce that I have authored a training course available at Pluralsight which is...

Author: palermo4 Date: 07/13/2011

DevProConnections–HTML5 Series

I am excited to announce that the in-depth HTML5 series of articles that Daniel Egan and I are...

Author: palermo4 Date: 06/30/2011

Office Hours

Come join me for a casual conversation at my  next “Office Hours” event. What is Office...

Author: palermo4 Date: 06/29/2011

PowerPoint Crashes When Typing in Windows 7 BootCamp

If you have searched the internet looking for a reason why PowerPoint crashes when you start typing...

Author: palermo4 Date: 06/27/2011

Web Camp HTML5 – Irvine, CA

Here are the resources for the Web Camp HTML5 in Irvine, CA: Updated Lab Files!  (cool...

Author: palermo4 Date: 06/23/2011

Web Camp HTML5 - Colorado Springs, CO

Friday June 10th is the date of the Web Camp HTML5 Event in Colorado Springs, CO. [Placeholder for...

Author: palermo4 Date: 06/10/2011

Desert Mountain Developers

I created a daily edition of a virtual paper via paper.li just a few days ago.  I created a...

Author: palermo4 Date: 05/24/2011

Web Camp Anchor HTML5 & CSS3 Resources

I presented on HTML5 & CSS3 with Scott Stanfield today in Silicon Valley.  Presenting with...

Author: palermo4 Date: 05/20/2011

Get Your Azure Pass

If you were in my Tech-Ed session yesterday (or not), and want to try out Azure, please click the...

Author: palermo4 Date: 05/18/2011

Web Deployment Made Easy: Seriously

My session at Tech-Ed in Atlanta this year is all about Web Deployment.  For those who...

Author: palermo4 Date: 05/17/2011

Samsung Focus Community Phone

While chatting with Scott Cate yesterday about Windows Phone 7, he showed me how he shares his SIM...

Author: palermo4 Date: 05/12/2011

HTML5 Web Camp

Please join me at an HTML5 Web Camp near you!  (Registration links below) Keep hearing about...

Author: palermo4 Date: 05/04/2011

Scott Guthrie Event 2011 April 22

This month sees the return of Scott Guthrie to Arizona for the 8th year in a row!  This year...

Author: palermo4 Date: 04/10/2011

How Many Takes???

Jason Helmick with Interface Technical Training...

Author: palermo4 Date: 04/07/2011

Windows Phone 7 App–NOW!

Today while enjoying a coffee at Starbucks, I created a Windows Phone 7 app from start to...

Author: palermo4 Date: 04/06/2011

MSDN SharePoint 2010 Resources

Last month Paul Yuknewicz presented on SharePoint 2010 at the Microsoft Tempe, AZ location. For...

Author: palermo4 Date: 04/06/2011

Review: Continuous Integration In .NET

Today I received a personally signed copy of the book – Continuous Integration In .NET by one of...

Author: palermo4 Date: 04/04/2011

How to Fix/Repair iPhone With Water Damage

A certain person I know recently washed her iPhone in the washer machine.  I love this person,...

Author: palermo4 Date: 03/30/2011

Rocky Mountain Tech Trifecta v3.0

I attended my first Rocky Mountain Tech Trifecta last week, though it was the 3rd installment of the...

Author: palermo4 Date: 03/11/2011

Scott Cate – Microsoft Regional Director

Prior to joining Microsoft, I served for years as a Microsoft Regional Director. When I first heard...

Author: palermo4 Date: 03/07/2011

Web Camp (MVC 3 and jQuery) Silicon Valley, February 2011

I had a great time presenting on MVC 3 at the Web Camp in Silicon Valley. We (Doris Chen, Dan...

Author: palermo4 Date: 03/07/2011

Windows Azure Resource

Author: palermo4 Date: 03/02/2011

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