
800 Days Until Windows XP End of Support

It takes 18-24 months to plan for and deploy a new operating system. If you haven’t started planning to migrate your Windows XP PCs to a modern OS, or if your migration plan have stalled here are some great tools to help you.

First of all, start by downloading the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT). It removes the need for disc imaging, migrates your data in place during deployment, and (best of all) it’s free.

Some other tools to help make your move from Windows XP to Windows 7 easier include:

Questions about Windows XP EOS and what it means to you and your company? Make sure to check out the End of Support website for Windows XP and Office 2003 and as always, visit the Deploy Zone on the Springboard Series on TechNet for all your Pilot, Deploy and Manage needs!

Read the complete blog at https://windowsteamblog.com/windows/b/springboard/archive/2012/01/28/800-days-until-windows-xp-end-of-support.aspx

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