VSTS Love w/ Korean Rap Music Video
Check this out! The Koreans really love VSTS, they even have a song about it! <lol> This was good entertainment, even though I only understood four words (you figure out which four). I wonder what they're saying the rest of the song... A transcript would be real nice. Enjoy it.
Update on 10/31/06: Thanks to Jeff Beehler for pointing out that John Lawrence had posted the translation on his blog. Interesting lyrics....
November 01, 2006
Different!, to say the least. The translation link was a nice update addition to this post. Leave it up to Noah to both inform and entertain.Anonymous
June 07, 2008
Check this out! The Koreans really love VSTS, they even have a song about it ! &lt;lol&gt; This was good entertainment, even though I only understood four words (you figure out which four). I wonder what they're saying the rest of the song...