Real TFS Command Line Help
John Lyon-Smith, a developer on my team, put togther this extensive command line help for Team Foundation's TF.exe command. In his own words...
After the umpteenth time of typing “tf –?” only to have it launch the MSDN documentation that usually isn’t installed in my Dogfood environment, I threw together a text file that contains the sort of memory jogging help that I (and probably others) would like to see printed in the console (hint hint). I thought it would be nice to share it.
Handy Text Files
tfhelp.txt 120 Character Width
tfhelp80.txt 80 Character Width
Thanks John!
Add tf add itemspec [lock:none|checkin|checkout] [/type:filetype]
[/noprompt] [/recursive]
Branch tf branch olditem newitem [/version:versionspec] [/noget] [/lock]
[/noprompt] [/recursive]
Branches tf branches [/s:servername] itemspec
Changeset tf changeset [/comment:comment|@commentfile] /s:servername
[/notes:("NoteFieldName"="NoteFieldValue"|@notefile)] [/noprompt]
Checkin tf checkin [/author:authorname] [/comment:("comment"|@commentfile)]
[/notes:("Note Name"="note text"|@notefile)]
[/override:reason|@reason] [/recursive] filespec ...]
Checkout tf checkout|edit [/lock:(none|checkin|checkout)] [/recursive]
[/type:encoding] itemspec
Configure tf configure pathtoproject /server:servername
Delete tf delete [/lock:(none|checkin|checkout)] [/recursive] itemspec
Difference tf difference itemspec [/version:versionspec] [/type:filetype]
[/format:(visual|unix|ss)] [/ignorespace]
[/ignoreeol] [/ignorecase] [/recursive] [/options:"options"]
tf difference itemspec itemspec2 [/type:filetype]
[/format:(visual|unix|ss)] [/ignorespace] [/ignoreeol]
[/ignorecase] [/recursive] [/options:"options"]
tf difference [/shelveset:[shelvesetowner;]shelvesetname]
shelveset_itemspec [/server:serverURL]
[/type:filetype] [/format:(visual|unix|ss)] [/ignorespace]
[/ignoreeol] [/ignorecase] [/recursive] [/options:"options"]
tf difference /configure
Dir tf dir [/s:servername] itemspec [/version:versionspec] [/recursive]
[/folders] [/deleted]
Get tf get itemspec [/version:versionspec] [/all] [/overwrite] [/force]
[/preview] [/recursive] [/noprompt]
Help tf help commandname
History tf history [/s:servername] itemspec [/version:versionspec]
[/stopafter:number] [/recursive]
[/user:username] [/format:(brief|detailed)] [/slotmode]
Label tf label [/s:servername] labelname@scope [/owner:ownername]
itemspec [/version:versionspec]
[/comment:("comment"|@commentfile)] [/child:(replace|merge)]
tf label [/s:servername] [/delete] labelname@scope
[/owner:ownername] itemspec [/version:versionspec]
Labels tf labels [/owner:ownername] [/format:(brief|detailed)]
[/s:servername] [labelname]
Lock tf lock itemspec /lock:(none|checkout|checkin)
[/workspace:workspacename] [/server:serverURL] [/recursive]
Merge tf merge [/recursive] [/force] [/candidate] [/discard]
[/lock:none|checkin|checkout] [/preview] [/baseless] [/nosummary]
source destination
Merges tf merges [/s:servername] [source] destination [/recursive]
Permission tf permission [/allow:(* |perm1[,perm2,…]]
[/remove:(* |perm1[,perm2,...])]
[/inherit:yes|no] [/user:username1[,username2,…]] [/recursive]
[/server:servername] itemspec
Properties tf properties [/recursive] itemspec
Rename tf rename [/lock:(none|checkout|checkin)] olditem newitem
Resolve tf resolve itemspec [auto:(AcceptMerge|AcceptTheirs|AcceptYours)]
[(/overridetype:overridetype | /converttotype:converttype)]
Shelve tf shelve [/move] [/replace] [/comment:(@commentfile|"comment")]
[/recursive] shelvesetname[;owner] filespec
tf shelve /delete [/server:serverURL] shelvesetname[;owner]
Shelvesets tf shelvesets [/owner:ownername] [/format:(brief|detailed)]
[/server:serverURL] shelvesetname
Status tf status itemspec [/s:servername]
([/workspace:workspacename[;workspaceowner]] |
[/format:(brief|detailed)] [/recursive] [/user:(*|username)]
Undelete tf undelete [/noget] [/lock:(none|checkin|checkout)]
[/newname:name] [/recursive] itemspec[;deletionID]
Undo tf undo [/workspace:workspacename [;workspaceowner]]
[/s:servername] [/recursive] itemspec
Unlabel tf unlabel [/s:servername] [/recursive] labelname itemspec
Unshelve tf unshelve [/move] [shelvesetname[;username]] itemspec
View tf view [/s:servername] [/console] [/noprompt] itemspec
WorkFold tf workfold localfolder
tf workfold [/workspace: workspacename]
tf workfold [/s:servername] [/workspace: workspacename]
tf workfold [/map] [/s:servername] [/workspace: workspacename]
tf workfold /unmap [/s:servername] [/workspace: workspacename]
[/recursive] (repositoryfolder|localfolder)
tf workfold /cloak (repositoryfolder|localfolder)
[/workspace: workspacename] [/s:servername]
tf workfold /decloak (repositoryfolder|localfolder)
[/workspace:workspacename] [/s:servername]
Workspace tf workspace /new [/noprompt]
[/computer:computername] [/comment:("comment"|@commentfile)]
tf workspace /delete [/s:servername]
tf workspace [/s:servername] [/comment:comment]
[/newname:workspacename] workspacename[;workspaceowner]
Workspaces tf workspaces [/owner:ownername] [/computer:computername]
[/s:servername] [/format:(brief|detailed)]
[/updateComputerName:oldcomputername] workspacename
Can contain wildcards *, ? and #
Can contain relative path parts . and ..
Can reference file system or UNC paths mapped to a workspace or server
paths (which start with $/). You can usually specify more than one
file separated by spaces for an itemspec (useful for edit, add, delete
Date/Time Dmm/dd/yyyy
Changeset number Cnnnnnn
Label Llabelname
Latest version T
Workspace Wworkspacename;workspaceowner
/changeset /G /noprompt /I
/comment /C /owner /O
/computer /M /recursive /R
/delete /D /server /S
/force /P /slotmode /X
/format /F /template /T
/help /?,/H /user /U
/lock /K /version /V
/login /Y /workplace /W
/newname /N
January 25, 2007
The comment has been removedAnonymous
January 29, 2007
The comment has been removedAnonymous
March 12, 2008
The comment has been removedAnonymous
April 06, 2009
The comment has been removedAnonymous
May 10, 2009
The comment has been removedAnonymous
July 14, 2009
How could I overwrite files in TFS using DOS commands? Thanks a ton in advance.Anonymous
November 02, 2009
I just wanna say that when you try to do this: tf workfold /unmap [/s:servername] [/workspace: workspacename] [/recursive] (repositoryfolder|localfolder) with recursive... Unrecognized command option 'recursive' is the result.. I'm running SP1 as well.. go figure.. I can't figure it out.. whats the deal?? did someone forget that part?Anonymous
December 31, 2009
The comment has been removedAnonymous
March 16, 2010
Nice reference. One item I had trouble finding was build by date/time. While all references specify a date, I had not seen any examples specifying time. I believe any .NET compatible time specification can be contained in quotes after the "D". For example, /p:versionToBuild=D"02/16/2010 16:05:00" would be the correct property to specify a build of the source code at 4:05 PM on 16 Feb 2010.Anonymous
March 16, 2010
The above should have read /p:versionToGet=D"02/16/2010 16:05:00"Anonymous
May 09, 2010
What is a commnad to get "LastGoodBuildNumber"Anonymous
September 16, 2010
This is just stupid. You can get this just by typing /?. What people need are EXAMPLES!Anonymous
April 17, 2011
I'm having a hard time finding any information on the /force switch with the checkin command, any ideas where to find information about it?Anonymous
June 22, 2011
The comment has been removedAnonymous
December 29, 2011
The comment has been removed