
Wellington Office User Group - Wednesday evening

Reminder: Office User Group, tomorrow evening...

It should be of interest to all Office users. 

Provided:    - Pizza and drinks
   - Great information
   - Spot prizes

When:   Wednesday 20 June 2007, 6:00-7:30pm

Where: Note: new venue this month...
              New Zealand Post House
              Level 10
              7 Waterloo Quay
              (near corner Whitmore St)

Come through main entrance, take elevator to Level 10.
If you are late, and the door or lift are locked, call or text to 021-2142288, and someone will let you in.

Main Topic: Making the Most of the Office 2007 Interface :

Presenter: Jonathan Stuckey - Microsoft

The Ribbon!  What's different between the Office 2007 fluent interface, compared with the familiar menu navigation in earlier versions?  More important, how and where do I find what I'm looking for?  And what resources are there to help me make the leap?

The main programs using the new Ribbon interface are Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint.

There will also be a demo of a very handy ribbon customising utility.

Convener:   Steve Schapel