
Announcement of worldwide availability of Microsoft Office Live Workspace beta




We have just launched the worldwide availability of Microsoft Office Live Workspace beta.

You can sign up now at https://workspace.officelive.com with immediate access and no waitlist.

Microsoft Office Live Workspace beta is a free Web-based extension of Microsoft Office that enables people to access their documents online and easily share their work and collaborate with others:

Anywhere Access

•         Store over 1,000 Microsoft Office documents and other files (500 MB available) in a password-protected location on the Internet and access them from almost any Internet-connected computer (full Firefox support for PC & Mac)

•         View Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Excel, Microsoft Office PowerPoint or PDF documents, even if Microsoft Office is not on the computer you are using

•         Keep Web-based lists (eg to-do lists, guest lists and wish lists) and ad hoc notes so that they are available when needed

Share and Collaborate With Others

•         Share a single document or a collection of documents; you control who has access to the areas of your workspace

•         Give editing or view-only rights to those with whom you share access, with full document versioning and time-stamping

•         Track workspace activities with the new activity panel and receive notifications when changes are made in the workspace

•         Use Microsoft SharedView beta to work with others in real time and share applications

Extend the Microsoft Office Experience

•         Open and save files directly to your workspace from Microsoft Office XP, 2003 or 2007

•         Automatically synchronise Contact, Tasks and Event lists with Outlook 2003 and 2007 so you are always up to date

•         Export any workspace list to Excel to archive list content or simply take it offline


Sign up yourself and tell friends, family & colleagues to go to : https://workspace.officelive.com