Programming Interview Questions and Answers
For those who have been waiting for the next installment of programming interview questions and answers, well, the wait is sort of over.
I have added a bunch of fresh posts on my Programming Initerview Series blog.
Here is the table of contents for easy reference:
Table Of Contents
- Introduction to technical interviewing
- Technical Interview Process – 30,000 feet overview
- So, what can be asked in a programming interview?
- Beyond the Code
Beginners programming questions
- Simple coding questions–Part 1
- How to find if a number is a Palindrome?
- Linked lists demystified
- Recursion–concepts and code
- Linked Lists – Sorting, Searching, Finding Maximum and Minimum
- Reverse a Linked List
- Searching algorithms–Linear search
- Binary Search
- String manipulation can be fun
- String pattern matching
- String functions galore
- Pass by value versus reference in C#
- How to find if a number is perfect square
Advanced programming questions
- Lost in a Forest of Trees
- The Ins and Outs of a Binary Search Tree
- Simple Patterns: Singleton Pattern
- Simple Patterns: Repository Pattern
- Simple Patterns: Factory Pattern
- Implement a basic Stack using linked List
- Implement a Queue data structure using a linked list
- Operator overloading and pairing rules in C#
- LINQ Query, Selection, Partial Selections and Aggregations
- Explain System.IO and System.IO.Compression namespaces with an example
- How to redirect user to another page using ASP.NET
- Return different HTTP response codes from Response...
- Tracing page execution in ASP.NET
- ASP.NET page validation controls
- ASP.NET 4 site navigation using sitemaps
- How do you serialize an object to and from XML
- Manage state across entire application in ASP.NET
- How to monitor file system changes using FileSystemWatcher in C#
- ASP.NET @ Page directive
- How to add HTML Server Controls to a Web Page Using ASP.NET
- ASP.NET AJAX using UpdatePanel control
- ASP.NET Session modes explained
- Explain ASP.NET data binding using DataSets and DataSourceControls
- ASP.NET HttpModule explained
- ASP.NET HttpHandlers
- jQuery AJAX functions part 1–the load() method
- jQuery AJAX functions part 2–get(), post(), getScript() and getJSON()
- jQuery AJAX functions part 3–ajax()
- Differentiate between alert(), prompt() and confirm() methods
- jQuery fadeIn, fadeOut and fadeTo effects
- jQuery Selectors reviewed
- jQuery to block paste in a textbox
- jQuery to create default text for a textbox
- jQuery to select/deselect all items in a CheckBoxList
- jQuery to show big image on hover
- SQL Select Where Interview Questions
- SQL GROUP BY and HAVING clauses
- SQL CASE statement examples
- SQL IF-ELSE and WHILE examples
- LINQ - Group, Sort and Count Words in a sentence by length
- LINQ interview questions
- LINQ SKIP and TAKE interview questions
- LINQ JOIN interview questions
- Basic JAVA interview questions
- Explain JAVA ConcurrentModificationException and solutions to fix it
- JAVA serialization interview question
- JAVA equals() versus == operator
Entity Framework
- Coming soon!
September 02, 2011
Hi I like this post: You create good material for community. Please keep posting. Let me introduce other material that may be good for net community. Source: <a href="">Data structure interview questions and answers</a> Best rgs PeterAnonymous
March 23, 2013
Good books for Google/Amazon Interview(onsite): Apart from CLR and Skiena's algorithms book, I would recommend the following books focussed on real coding interviews questions which contains great details(real questions with real answers as expected by the google/amazon interviewer): * Top 10 coding interview problems asked in Google with solutions: Algorithmic Approach By Dr Lin Quan * Elements of Programming Interviews: 300 Questions and Solutions By Adnan et al. * Programming Pearls By Dr Bentley * More Programming Pearls By Dr Bentley These books helped me greatly in my Amazon's onsite interview recently. Practicing topcoders questions can be an additional help if it suits individual interest.Anonymous
March 22, 2014
am facing the difficult on posting my questionsAnonymous
April 01, 2014
Thanks Nikil for the info. It will be helpful to get the next job. A few comments though. I think that you and many hiring managers are missing the overall point of an interview and have turned it into a psychological game. You obvously love the process and you've got a track record of hiring good people. Great. But you've probably disqualified many who would have been able to do the work and the downside is that more effort on your staff is required to find that perfect person. A lot of these problems (eg. fibonacci) are very schoolish and have no relationship to what an engineer is really called upon to do. And "thinking on his/her feet" is irrlevant. We're hiring an engineer, not a live tv gameshow host. I find the best engineers are those who know HOW to attack a problem, where to find the information, how to be innovative and how to see the 10,000 foot view. If someone needs to code a binary tree, they can look it up on the internet in 10 seconds so a person who can regurgitate it for you on a white board during a stressful interview does not prove they can solve real world problems. In summary, I think there should be less emphasis on code tests, especially for experienced people.Anonymous
April 02, 2014
Thanks for the input Randall. You are right that knowing how to solve a problem is important (and perhaps the most critical aspect). But to know a good candidate from a not so good one (and that too in 45 mins to 1 hour) you also need additional parameters. Also, when hiring a programmer, the most significant ability you are hiring is to program. Whether Fibonacci is a good question (or some generic business problem) can be debated for sure. But you need to demonstrate the ability that you can think on your feet. Most jobs today require you to do that, so it is not that far fetched.Anonymous
September 15, 2014
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void WELCOME(); void papar_menu(); void cetak_barisan(); char grade='a'; main() { WELCOME(); papar_menu(); } void WELCOME() { cetak_barisan(); printf (" WELCOME nnnPlease continue"); cetak_barisan(); } void papar_menu() { printf("Enter your choice and press return:nn1.n2.n3.nn"); }switch(grade) { case 'a': printf ("nasi putihn"); printf ("tomyamn"); printf ("siakap 3 rasan"); break; case 'b': printf ("nasi putihn"); printf ("sup campurn"); printf ("siakap stimn"); printf ("telur dadarn"); break; case 'c': printf ("nasi putihn"); printf ("sup tulangn"); printf ("telur bungkusn"); printf ("siakap limaun"); break; default: printf ("Wrong input, Please Try Again!..PRESS 'Y' TO CONTINUE."); } i cant clear the error..hhh