Well I Finally Did It!
Despite my pain... I signed up for another Flickr Pro account and are requesting a dreaded Yahoo! ID.
So how did it go?
Step 1. Preferred Content
Didn't Yahoo come to New Zealand recently? No option for NZ content here!
Step 2. What should I choose as my Yahoo! ID?
What about "allavailableyahooidssuck" ? Hope gone! grrrrr... seriously this 100x's worse than trying to get a .com address!
Note to Yahoo... the use of AJAX to check availability of ID might reduce the pain a little here.
My favourite quote from a distressed Flickr Old Skool user..
"is yahoo offering any sort of counselling for people who go into fits of rage after the 387th attempt to find an available user ID that doesn't suck? "
More here... sigh!
Step 3. No Yahoo Email Address Thanks!
I was guessing that "unchecked" meant "no thanks"... also note @yahoo.com.au... @yahoo.co.nz is not an option even though I selected New Zealand as my country of residence.
Next Screen
What the ?!
March 10, 2007
The comment has been removedAnonymous
March 11, 2007
i know exactly how you feel... I left flick r & went to picasa b/c i was having a hard time uploading a lot of pictures at one time......Anonymous
March 11, 2007
The comment has been removedAnonymous
March 12, 2007
Yahoo usernames are unique across the world, so if someone in Brazil already uses allavailableyahooidssuck then you can't get it. With all the millions of users they have I can understand why it's hard to find one. I think they make id's available if they are not used in a few months though.Anonymous
March 20, 2007
Here is one you can try for next time, looks like no-one wants it :( http://turtle.net.nz/blog/content/TheLastAvailableYahooID.jpg