
Etch, Sketch and Angry Oranges: Workshop at University of Ulm

The University of Stuttgart Gadgeteer workshops continue…


A happy gadget


Our second stop on our Gadgeteer Tour took place at University of Ulm, where the research groups of Michael Weber and Enrico Rukzio are located. 12 participants found together to hack away over the course of one day. Until the lunch break we introduced the .NET Gadgeteer platform, its beauties, quirks and possibilities and allowed people to try out different code samples and modules. The second part of the workshop focussed on participants’ ideas of application fields for hardware prototyping. 4 groups found together and started translating their ideas into concrete hardware gadgets.

Read the full article: https://blog.hcilab.org/gadgeteer/2013/01/etch-sketch-and-angry-oranges-workshop-at-university-of-ulm/