
MVP Summit: NAP deep-dive session scheduled

Hello MVPs! Are you interested in the highly anticipated, super exciting, #2 feature in Longhorn Server - Network Access Protection (NAP)? Are you traveling to Redmond for the MVP Summit next week? If the answer is “yes” to both of these questions, I would love to meet you. :->

I have scheduled a NAP deep-dive session for March 15th, 10:30 – 12 noon. You will get to see cool live demos of Longhorn Server, Vista and XP all working together with NAP. In attendance will be various members of the Enterprise Networking Group – the fine folks who created NAP.

 I am working on posting this into the “Summit Session Scheduler” right now. Feel free to shoot me a note and tell me you are planning on attending. I would love to build more NAP MVPs who can help me NAP the WORLD in 2007. :->



Jeff Sigman
NAP Release Manager
Jeff.Sigman@online.microsoft.com *

* Remove the "online" to actually email me.
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