
Webcasts Booth at TechEd 2005 - Lessons Learned

This is from Monday morning at the Webcasts pod in the product pavilion. Thanks to Dean Andrews for posting this picture on his blog. My pictures are all on film, so I'm going to be posting them after I get back to Seattle.

It looks like posting offers for a free t-shirt at TechEd really drove the crowds. Some problems that were readily apparent to us were that we gave away 1,300 T-shirts in 2 hours that we were supposed to give away in a week. We didn't get a chance to talk to everyone that came by this morning, and when we did get a chance to talk to you, we became the blog pod as opposed to the webcasts pod we were supposed to be. Therefore, we learned something that day. Blogs are powerful and we need to think through how we use it in the future. We had a awesome turn out at the webcasts booth at TechEd 2005 in terms of folks that stopped by, but also wanted to take the time to talk to everyone, say hello and get some solid feedback on how to improve our program.

We got that chance once we ran out of t-shirts; customers actually came by to thank us, share feedback, and learn more about the program, and to share some very constructive feedback on things we can improve. Our fearless leaders, Randy Choco, Marc Tramonte, and Rob Stagno were all present to listen and to say hello to customers. It was great to talk to everyone at TechEd 2005, and thank you again for the great feedback. We’re going to use it to produce better MSDN Webcasts over the next year before you folks talk to us again at TechEd 2006.


George, MSDN Webcasts


  • Anonymous
    June 14, 2005
    Congratulations George, wow, that's amazing, your team is doing a fantasic job of using blogs to build community.