
Multi-school Hackathon Judging Rubric

The draft judging rubric is list below.  There are four criterion the judges will be looking at.  They are Problem Definition, Solution Design & Innovation, Idea Viability and Does it work.  Each of them is weighted equally. 



Criterion detail

Rubric details

Problem Definition


How precise and relevant is the real world problem or opportunity? How interesting or difficult to resolve - functionally or technically - is the problem being challenged? For this criterion, we only focus on the problem challenged, not on the solution created to solve this problem.

1: Problem is not defined, relevant 20 : Problem is loosely defined, basically relevant 40 : Well defined, relevant

Solution Design & Innovation:


Does the application approach a new problem, or look at an old problem in a new way? Is the solution completely innovative or does it rely on an existing concept/technology? Does the application impact a large number of people very broadly, or impact a smaller number of people very deeply? To which degree does the application actually solve the current problem?

1: not so much, 20: good, 40 impressive solution

Idea Viability


Is the application technically and marketplace viable? Would people use this product? Is this solution only theoretical or does it have a realistic application for commercial purposes? (Not necessarily here and now, but eventually in the future and/or for certain markets).

1: not so much, 20: good, 40 impressive

Does it work


Does the application have ether a board horizontal prototype demonstrating lots of functionality at high level or deep vertical prototype with deep functionality in one area.

1: not functional, 20: fair functional, 30: very functional, 40 exceptionally functional