
All Good People App–Normal Lab Values

I met Bernard at a recent (11/22) Windows Phones/Windows 8 developer event that I lead at the Microsoft Chicago office.  Bernard was a .NET developer developing both for Windows Phone and for Windows 8.  I got a chance to get to know him and his work.  Bernard is the founder of All Good People.  With a name that how can you go wrong?

Well he just published his latest app, its a healthcare app named, Normal Lab Values.  The cool thing is has normal lab values for 40 for the most commonly assessed lab parameters.  The coolest thing IMHO is that you can edit the values to adhere to whatever your intuitions limits are.

Bernard tells me its the most comprehensive free clinical lab value reference for Windows Phone.  You can get this great app from the Windows Phone store->https://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store/app/normal-lab-values/50fb8bb8-119d-4479-8b8c-5fd45a0cfbe7.

Nice work Bernard!