
The new Office – New Marketing Material

On January 29, 2013 we launched the new Office officially and it is now available for end customers at resellers. As Steve Ballmer wrote in a blog post today - Office 365 is the next bold step in Microsoft's transformation to a devices and services company.  This morning we made four announcements that will drive Office 365 adoption and help redefine what productivity means for consumers, students and businesses of any size.

  • Office 365 Home Premium is now available worldwide. For the first time ever, consumers will be able to get the Office apps they know and love delivered as a subscription service, always up to date with the latest features and available on up to five PCs or Macs. Included are 60 Skype world calling minutes, extra SkyDrive storage and the ability to access your full Office applications on demand thru Office.com.
  • Office 365 University is now available worldwide. It delivers the same benefits as Office 365 Home Premium to college students at a dramatically reduced price.
  • Retail availability of Office 2013. While we are leading with our subscription offers, we will continue to ship Office Home and Student 2013 and Office Home and Business 2013 as traditional software packages. This builds on the December availability of our on-premises commercial products, including Office 2013, Exchange, Lync and SharePoint. These traditional offerings allow our customers who aren't ready to move to the cloud to enjoy the benefits of the New Office on their terms.
  • Our new Office 365 commercial services will be available on February 27th. One in five enterprise customers are using the Office 365 service today. With new offers like Office 365 Small Business Premium and Office 365 Midsize Business, we are expanding our market, making it even easier for businesses of all sizes to get enterprise-grade productivity. We are also including Yammer as part of Office 365 Enterprise to deliver the world's best enterprise social offering to our customers.

To support you in your marketing and sales efforts we provide you with marketing and sales materials. Following you find the 3 key resources:

German Key Marketing and Sales Material:

French Key Marketing and Sales Material:

Partner Marketing Factory
Find more marketing, sales and training material about the new Office in the Swiss Partner Marketing Factory at:

Microsoft Online – Partnersprechstunden (German)

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Windows Azure


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