
NY Exchange Users Group Meets 8/14

the regular monthly meeting is tomorrow, Tue 8/14 at 6pm. Please RSVP w/full name to rsvp@nyexug.com to get on the building list and gauge food needs. All meetings are free (free pizza dinner), open to all, and a great learning environment for folks.


August Meeting Topic

Presented by Ben Serebin, President and Network Consultant for REEF Solutions

Topic: Optimizing your firewall for Exchange 2003 & SP2 changes (Direct Push)

Topic FYI: Exchange SP2's support for Direct Push handheld devices can require firewall changes to insure optimum operation. Also, learn about the ports for enabling SSL security for SMTP, IMAP, POP3, & HTTP.


Just a reminder... you can find previous meetings information & LiveMeeting's recordings and upcoming events on the website.... www.nyexug.com


Upcoming Meetings & Events

September - Vendor Exchange appliance used for clustering (this was delayed from August)

TBA - Michael Murphy of Microsoft - Routing Group Differences between 03 / 07 & native backup solutions

TBA - User Group member spotlight on vmware failover's of Exchange Servers


2 Mailing Lists

NYExUG Announce Mailing List - meetings, events, etc

NYExUG User Mailing List - for posting comments, and general talk among members.

Visit www.nyexug.com and on left side under lists click "How to contact us" to learn how to join each list.



5:50-6:15pm Recommended entrance time

6pm on - Pizza Arrives

8:30-9pm End time



See you at the meeting,

-Ben Serebin (ben at reefsolutions . com)
