
Recommended Guidelines for Search Boundaries

Hi all,

I have been asked a lot for guidelines around some of the boundaries for MOSS Search. Here is a quick table that does a good job on this:


Search object

Guidelines for acceptable performance


Search indexes

One per SSP

Maximum of 20 per farm

MOSS supports one content index per SSP. Given that we recommend a maximum of 20 SSPs per farm, a maximum of 20 content indexes is supported.

Note that an SSP can be associated with only one index server and one content index. However, an index server can be associated with multiple SSPs and have a content index for each SSP.

Indexed documents

50,000,000 per content index

MOSS supports 50 million documents per index server.

Content sources

500 per SSP

This is a hard limit enforced by the system.

Start Addresses

500 per content source

This is a hard limit enforced by the system.


1,000,000 per SSP

This is the tested limit.


200 per site

This is a recommended limit per site. We recommend a maximum of 100 scope rules per scope.

Display groups

25 per site

These are used for a grouped display of scopes through the user interface.

Crawl rules

10,000 per SSP

We recommend a maximum 10,000 crawl rules irrespective of type.


15,000 per site

We recommend a maximum of 10 Best Bets and five synonyms per keyword.

Crawled properties

500,000 per SSP

These are properties that are discovered during a crawl.

Managed properties

100,000 per SSP

These are properties used by the search system in queries. Crawled properties are mapped to managed properties. We recommend a maximum of 100 mappings per managed property.

Authoritative pages

200 per relevance level

This is the maximum number of sites in each of the four relevance levels.

Results removal


This is the maximum recommended number of URLs that should be removed from the system in one operation.

Crawl logs


Number of individual log entries in the crawl log.

For more information, see the "Plan for Software Boundaries" at: https://technet2.microsoft.com/Office/en-us/library/6a13cd9f-4b44-40d6-85aa-c70a8e5c34fe1033.mspx?mfr=true

Hope that helps
