Oil & Gas Conference with Fluent - how to snap your back in one go with 120Kg of Windows Cluster!
So you know some days start better than others – well today it started by Dr. Michael Newberry and I carrying a 64 node cluster from Tyan (thanks to Mark Burnett of Tyan who kindly leant us the cluster) onto the HQS Wekkington on the Thames - we nearly launched the cluster into the Thames when we realised that we had shaved the bannister on the gang plank (metal against metal with the 120Kg+ machine!!
Why I hear you ask?? – we were at the Fluent and Ansys user conference which was focussing on the Oil and Gas industries – some nice stuff in fluid dynamics rather like the yacht video I shared last week (Great video on HPC Fluid Dynamics used in Yacht Design...cool stuff from the French!)
Find out more about Fluent here: https://www.fluent.co.uk/