Google Apps: Commentary and Discussion....check out this press release!!
Some of you may have seen this in the press and the Blogosphere recently, one of Microsofts Gold Partners in the US released a press release poking a little fun at some of the more serious business issues surrounding Business Apps hosted on the web.
Viewed in the right context the release does bring out some interesting points around business apps for users in a hosted environment. Essentially, in a busines context we see the following as important:
- Support - managed SLAs for uptime, round the clock and follow the sun support
- Security - again managed and contactable, also Trust and Privacy which drive important business decisions around Compliance
- Offline versus Online - an entire debate in itself!
This post could go on a bit but I have to be honest, I truly believe that competition is healthy. How can your company look good and demonstrate value to the customer without healthy competiition in all areas. All good stuff if you see any other commentary on this topic please send my way.