
All the latest Mango Goodness

I’m sure most of you reading this will already know we released Beta 2 of the developer tools for Windows Phone Mango last week. In addition, if you’re a registered AppHub developer, you’ll be able to update a developer-unlocked Windows Phone 7 (retail) device to the matching Beta 2 build of the Mango OS. You’ll receive a separate invite for this from “Microsoft Connect” titled “Invitation from Microsoft Connect” – keep an eye out for it.

Here are some key links gathered together in one place:

The original announcement on the Windows Phone Developer blog

The new Windows Phone Developer Tools (now called the Windows Phone SDK 7.1 Beta 2)

Direct link to the release notes – take a moment to read them

Link to the forum to search for solutions, workarounds and to report issues

Updated pre-release documentation on MSDN for the upcoming release

(Note, to get the original Windows Phone 7.0 documentation you can download it here)

Windows Phone session videos from MIX11

Mango session videos from UK Tech.Days