
Perfwiz replacement for Exchange 2007

NOTE: This version of Perfwiz had been replaced by a newly written script that is talked about in https://blogs.technet.com/b/mikelag/archive/2010/07/09/exchange-2007-2010-performance-data-collection-script.aspx

Here is a replacement for general Exchange 2007 Performance data gathering. Use this in place of Perfwiz.exe as this utility does not capture all of the counters needed to properly troubleshoot Exchange 2007 performance issues.

Follow the steps below to enable these performance counters on any given Exchange 2007 server

Windows 2003 version of Perfwiz

  1. Extract the contents of Exchange_2007_Perfwiz.zip to your Exchange server.
  2. Open Performance Monitor
  3. Expand Performance Logs and Alerts and select Counter Logs.
  4. Right click Counter logs and select "New Log Settings From". Select the htm file that was extracted in Step 1. Click OK
  5. Select the Log Files tab and click the Configure button
  6. For the Log location, change this to a location of your choice. Click Ok
  7. Click OK to save the Performance Counter log.
  8. To start the Perfmon log, right click "Exchange 2007 Perfwiz" and then select Start.
  9. Let this run during the problem period where performance is affected
  10. Stop the perfmon log by right-clicking "Exchange 2007 Perfwiz" and selecting Stop
  11. Make arrangements with a CSS representative to get the files analyzed.

Windows 2008 version of Perfwiz

  1. Download the appropriate version of Perfwiz for your server. Currently I have 2 versions.

    • Exchange 2007 Perfwiz (MBX-CAS-HUB specific) - This file has targeted counters instead of including all (*) counters for obvious performance reasons and easier parsing.

    • Exchange 2007 Perfwiz (All Counters). Use this at your own discretion as this will collect a *lot* of data which may decrease performance on an Exchange Server.

    • Other Role based XMLs are self-explanatory

      How to download
      To download these XML files to your computer, right click the file of your choice, select Save Target As... , and then save it to a directory location of your choice on your Exchange Server

      Role Based
      Use these as a high level look in to how the server is performing and if you need to branch out with more counters, use the Full Counter/Instance set below.

      Exchange_2007_Perfwiz-AIO.xml (HUB/CAS/MBX All-In-One)

      All Counters/All Instances
      Use this counter set at your own discretion as this could potentially cause performance degradation on your server trying to log this amount of counters.


  2. Open Performance Monitor

  3. Expand Reliability and Performance and then expand Data Collector Sets

  4. Right click User Defined,Select New, and then Data Collector Set

  5. Enter a unique name for this Data Collector set (ie. ExPerfwiz), select Create from a template (Recommended) and then click Next

  6. Select the Browse button, navigate to the XML file that was saved in Step 1, select Open

  7. Select Next on the next screen

  8. Enter in a root Directory of where you would like to store the performance log files. Click Next

  9. If you need to run this performance log under different credentials, enter it on this page. Click Finish


I'd like to thank Ben Winzenz for creating the Windows 2008 *full* version of Perfwiz and John Rodriguez for getting me the counter sets for the All-In-One XML which I doctored up in a custom XML file.

2/13/2009 - Updated all XML files to include counters from Monitoring Without System Center Operations Manager

9/28/2009 - Added TCPv4 and TCPv6 counters to all Perfwiz counter sets

10/15/2009 – Large update to the XML files. See below what has been added


\MSExchange ADAccess Domain Controllers(*)\LDAP Searches timed out per minute
\MSExchange ADAccess Domain Controllers(*)\Long running LDAP operations/Min
\MSExchange ADAccess Domain Controllers(*)\Number of outstanding requests
\MSExchange ADAccess Local Site Domain Controllers(*)\LDAP Read calls/Sec
\MSExchange ADAccess Local Site Domain Controllers(*)\LDAP Read Time
\MSExchange ADAccess Local Site Domain Controllers(*)\LDAP Search calls/Sec
\MSExchange ADAccess Local Site Domain Controllers(*)\LDAP Search Time
\MSExchange ADAccess Local Site Domain Controllers(*)\LDAP Searches timed out per minute
\MSExchange ADAccess Local Site Domain Controllers(*)\Long running LDAP operations/Min
\MSExchange ADAccess Local Site Domain Controllers(*)\Number of outstanding requests

\MSExchange Store Interface(*)\ConnectionCache num caches
\MSExchange Store Interface(*)\ConnectionCache out of limit creations
\MSExchange Store Interface(*)\ConnectionCache total capacity
\MSExchange Store Interface(*)\ExRPCConnection creation events
\MSExchange Store Interface(*)\ExRPCConnection disposal events
\MSExchange Store Interface(*)\ExRPCConnection outstanding

\MSExchange OWA\AS Queries Failure %
\MSExchange OWA\Average Search Time
\MSExchange OWA\Failed Requests/sec
\MSExchange OWA\Logons/sec
\MSExchange OWA\Proxy Response Time Average
\MSExchange OWA\Proxy User Requests/sec
\MSExchange OWA\Store Logon Failure %

\MSExchange ADAccess Local Site Domain Controllers(*)\*

Windows 2003 version of Perfwiz for Exchange 2007

10/21/2009 – Updated Database Instance Counters to include all instances. Affects AIO and MBX Role XML
11/4/2009 – Added the following Physical Disk Counters to all XML files.

\PhysicalDisk(*)\Avg. Disk Queue Length
\PhysicalDisk(*)\Avg. Disk sec/Read
\PhysicalDisk(*)\Avg. Disk sec/Write
\PhysicalDisk(*)\Disk Reads/sec
\PhysicalDisk(*)\Disk Transfers/sec
\PhysicalDisk(*)\Disk Writes/sec

01/11/2010 -  Added ASP.NET\Requests queued to the CAS,HUB-CAS, and AIO XMLs. Added MSExchange Database(Information Store)\Database Cache % Hit to the AIO and the MBX XMLs.

01/14/2010 - Added all MSExchangeIS Client counters to MBX and AIO XMLs


Exchange 2007 PerfWiz.zip


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    With all the moving bells and whistles of Exchange 2007 and the amount of dependencies that Exchange

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Hey PerfMonitor, Those performance counters should be perfectly visible on Windows 2008 servers. Are you seeing something different on your end? If so, they may not be registered properly, so maybe running lodctr against the .ini file should get you back in business again.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    If you have had Exchange performance issues in the past, you must know by now that there are a lot of

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    With all the moving bells and whistles of Exchange 2007 and the amount of dependencies that Exchange

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I updated my previous post that included only a Windows 2003 version of the Perfwiz replacement with

  • Anonymous
    May 31, 2010
    Hi Mike, Are you sure you can find "MSExchange ADAccess" counters from E2007 on W2008?