
Save 45% on Developer Reference titles

Dive into core topics and essential techniques for today's developer! For a limited time, use code DEVREF to save 45% on books and ebooks in the Developer Reference series—including new releases! Offer ends May 31, 2018.

Browse Developer Reference titles here.


  • Anonymous
    May 25, 2018
    I received an email about this DEVREF discount. When I attempt to order one of the books listed in the email, “Microsoft Visual C# Step by Step, 9th Edition”, the system does not allow me to enter the DEVREF discount code for that particular Book or eBook. This is a very misleading email!
    • Anonymous
      May 29, 2018
      Thanks for contacting us. Discount code DEVREF applies to all books and eBooks in the Developer Reference Series. After adding Microsoft Visual C# Step by Step to your cart, please click the Proceed to Checkout button to see your order summary. If the discount code screen does not automatically appear, click the blue "Edit" button next to Discount Code section in the left column, type DEVREF in the "Enter a new discount code" field at bottom of screen, and click Submit to apply discount to your order. Updated sale pricing will be reflected in the Shopping Cart section. Continue to the next step of checkout process to complete order.