
New book: Windows 10 Step by Step, 2nd Edition

We’re happy to announce the availability of Windows 10 Step by Step, 2nd Edition (ISBN 9781509306725), by Joan Lambert.

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The quick way to learn today’s Windows 10!

This is learning made easy. Get more done quickly with the newest version of Windows 10. Jump in wherever you need answers—brisk lessons and colorful screenshots show you exactly what to do, step by step.

  • Do what you want to do with Windows 10!
  • Explore fun and functional improvements in the newest version
  • Customize your sign-in and manage connections
  • Quickly find files on your computer or in the cloud
  • Tailor your Windows 10 experience for easy access to the information and tools you want
  • Work more efficiently with Quick Action and other shortcuts
  • Get personalized assistance and manage third-party services with Cortana
  • Interact with the web faster and more safely with Microsoft Edge
  • Protect your computer, information, and privacy


Welcome to the wonderful world of Windows 10! This Step by Step book has been designed so you can read it from the beginning to learn about Windows 10 and then build your skills as you learn to perform increasingly specialized procedures. Or, if you prefer, you can jump in wherever you need ready guidance for performing tasks. The how-to steps are delivered crisply and concisely—just the facts. You’ll also find informative, full-color graphics that support the instructional content.

Who this book is for

Windows 10 Step by Step, Second Edition is designed for use as a learning and reference resource by home and business users of desktop and mobile computers and devices running Windows 10 Home or Windows 10 Pro. The content of the book is designed to be useful for people who have previously used earlier versions of Windows and for people who are discovering Windows for the first time.

What this book is (and isn’t) about

This book is about the Windows 10 operating system. Your computer’s operating system is the interface between you and all the apps you might want to run, or that run automatically in the background to allow you to communicate with other computers around the world, and to protect you from those same computers.

In this book, we explain how you can use the operating system and the accessory apps, such as Cortana, File Explorer, Microsoft Edge, and Windows Store, to access and manage the apps and data files you use in your work and play.

Many useful apps that are part of the Windows “family” are installed by manufacturers or available from the Store. You might be familiar with common apps such as Calendar,

Camera, Groove Music, Mail, Maps, News, Photos, and Windows Media Player. This book isn’t about those apps, although we do mention and interact with a few of them while demonstrating how to use features of the Windows 10 operating system.

The Step by Step approach

The book’s coverage is divided into parts that represent general computer usage and management skill sets. Each part is divided into chapters that represent skill set areas, and each chapter is divided into topics that group related skills. Each topic includes expository information followed by generic procedures. At the end of the chapter, you’ll find a series of practice tasks you can complete on your own by using the skills taught in the chapter. You can use the practice files that are available from this book’s website to work through the practice tasks, or you can use your own files.

Features and conventions

This book has been designed to lead you step by step through all the tasks you’re most likely to want to perform in Windows 10. If you start at the beginning and work your way through all the procedures, you’ll have the information you need to administer all aspects of the Windows 10 operating system on a non-domain-joined computer. However, the topics are self-contained, so you can reference them independently. If you have worked with a previous version of Windows, or if you complete all the exercises and later need help remembering how to perform a procedure, the following features of this book will help you locate specific information.

  • Detailed table of contents   Search the listing of the topics, sections, and sidebars within each chapter.
  • Chapter thumb tabs and running heads   Identify the pages of each chapter by the colored thumb tabs on the book’s open fore edge. Find a specific chapter by number or title by looking at the running heads at the top of even-numbered (verso) pages.
  • Topic-specific running heads   Within a chapter, quickly locate the topic you want by looking at the running heads at the top of odd-numbered (recto) pages.
  • Practice task page tabs   Easily locate the practice task sections at the end of each chapter by looking for the full-page colored stripe on the book’s fore edge.
  • Glossary   Look up the meaning of a word or the definition of a concept.
  • Keyboard shortcuts   If you prefer to work from the keyboard rather than with a mouse, find all the shortcuts in one place in the appendix, “Keyboard shortcuts and touchscreen tips.”
  • Detailed index   Look up specific tasks and features in the index, which has been carefully crafted with the reader in mind.

You can save time when reading this book by understanding how the Step by Step series provides procedural instructions and auxiliary information and identifies on-screen and physical elements that you interact with.

About the author

Joan Lambert has worked closely with Microsoft technologies since 1986, and in the training and certification industry since 1997. As President and CEO of Online Training Solutions, Inc. (OTSI), Joan guides the translation of technical information and requirements into useful, relevant, and measurable resources for people who are seeking certification of their computer skills or who simply want to get things done efficiently.

Joan is the author or coauthor of more than four dozen books about Windows and Office apps (for Windows, Mac, and iPad), five generations of Microsoft Office Specialist certification study guides, video-based training courses for SharePoint and OneNote, QuickStudy guides for Windows and Office apps, and the GO! series book for Outlook 2016.

Blissfully based in America’s Finest City, Joan is a Microsoft Certified Professional, Microsoft Office Specialist Master (for all versions of Office since Office 2003), Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (for Windows and Windows Server), Microsoft Certified Technology Associate (for Windows), Microsoft Dynamics Specialist, and Microsoft Certified Trainer.

Windows 10 Step by Step, Second Edition, is based on the original book coauthored by Joan and her father, Steve Lambert. Joan’s first publishing collaboration with Steve was the inclusion of her depiction of Robots in Love in one of his earliest books, Presentation Graphics on the Apple Macintosh (Microsoft Press, 1984).