
Add structure to your diagrams in Microsoft Visio 2016

This chapter from Microsoft Visio 2016 Step By Step guides you through procedures related to organizing shapes by using containers or lists, finding containers and lists in Visio, and annotating shapes by using callouts.

In this chapter

    • Understand containers, lists, and callouts
    • Compare groups and containers
    • Organize shapes by using containers
    • Organize shapes by using lists
    • Find containers and lists in Visio
    • Annotate shapes by using callouts

Practice files

For this chapter, use the practice files from the Visio2016SBS\Ch13 folder. For practice file download instructions, see the introduction.

In many types of Visio diagrams, it’s useful to create visual or logical relationships among a set of shapes. The traditional technique for doing this in Visio has been to use background shapes and groups. However, Visio 2016 offers three special shape types—containers, lists, and callouts—that can be even more effective when you want to establish relationships and add structure to your diagrams.

Structured diagram shapes are so useful that Visio itself relies on them for a growing number of templates and special uses. For example, you will find lists and containers in swimlane diagrams, wireframes, and data graphic legends; and you will encounter callouts in the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) template (Visio Professional only).

Read the complete chapter here.