
Windows Server 2012 Event in CT and MA 10/23 & 10/24

Your local Account Team would like to invite you to a learning session with our Northeast region Server 2012 expert.

Windows Server 2012 launched on September 4th and is an exciting new datacenter OS that provides major enhancements in virtualization and private cloud, datacenter management, secure remote access, and a host of new features that support the upcoming release of Windows 8!!

- What's New in Windows Server 2012
-Beyond Virtualization
-Server Capabilities & Client Delivery
-Core Services: Directory, File Services, Networking
-Service Delivery Applications & Secure Remote Access
-Bringing it all Together and Use Cases
-Managing the Dynamic Datacenter with System Center 2012
-Case Studies
-Data Center Consolidation Scenario Walk Through

Next Steps:  Evaluating Server 2012 in Your Datacenter

When:Tuesday Oct. 23 9.30 PM – 12:30 PM

Where:Microsoft Office
74 Batterson Park Rd
Farmington, CT 06032

Register for Farmington here Code: 6087FF

When: Tuesday Oct. 24 9.30 PM – 12:30 PM

Microsoft Office
1 Cambridge Center
Rm: Concord 2/2018
Cambridge, MA 02142

Register for Cambridge here Code: 2128F2