
Office 365 makes the grade with Canada’s second-largest public school system

On Wednesday, Microsoft announced that Canada’s second-largest public school board – the Peel District School Board – has deployed Microsoft Office 365 to more than 150,000 students, administrators and staff members.

“The launch provides the district with the capabilities once reserved for the world’s largest corporations and, according to a recent IDC study, allows the board to give students the technology needed to gain the third most-valued skill, Microsoft Office proficiency, for the high-growth, high-wage jobs of the future,” according to a press release over on the Microsoft News Center.

The district considered offerings from other companies, but chose Office 365 because it supports multiple operating systems and mobile platforms, thereby supporting the district’s bring-your-own-device (BYOD) initiative.

Office 365 includes Exchange, SharePoint and Lync, all of which have been instrumental in creating a more productive working environment for the district’s employees, as well as delivering cost-saving benefits.

The district serves approximately 153,000 students in kindergarten through grade 12 at 242 schools in the Peel Region, which includes Brampton, Caledon and Mississauga, Ontario.

Head on over to the Microsoft News Center for the whole story.

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Posted by Jeff Meisner
Editor, The Official Microsoft Blog