
Shifting Subjects

A charcoal sketch of a flamenco dancer

I mentioned earlier that I started learning to draw so that I could sketch houses I saw in my head. When I went out sketching I noticed all sorts of interesting people whom I sketched as well, and I found these subjects to be a fascinating challenge. Now I draw everything! Similarly, although I started drawing in ink, I have also explored pencil and charcoal and various other media. I have experimented with different styles too, including line art, cartoons, and realistic rendering. Each subject, media, and style has a unique set of possibilities and limitations which I find shed new light on the others. For example, cartooning helps me see the essential lines when I draw from life, and life drawing helps my cartoons seem more alive.

I started learning to test so that I could remove defects from the applications I wrote. As I built my programs I noticed all sorts of interesting problems with software written by others as well, and I found this testing to be a fascinating challenge. Now I test everything! Similarly, although I started testing line of business applications, I have also worked on drawing programs and financials and various other types of programs. I have tested software for different types of people too, such as developers, landscape architects, and bankers. Each application, market, and role has a unique set of goals and restrictions which I find shed new light on the others. For example, thinking like a facilities manager gives me ideas for testing financial packages, and thinking like a banker helps me see alternative ways to test a CAD program.

Looking to other applications, markets, and roles will help you think outside your box.

[See all my art at https://www.freelyoffered.com.]

*** Want a fun job on a great team? I need a tester! Interested? Let's talk: Michael dot J dot Hunter at microsoft dot com. Great testing and coding skills required.