
Support Tip: MED-V apps disappear when a Windows 7 host is set to use the Japanese Language

imageHello everyone, John Behneman here, and today I wanted to take a minute to mention an issue you might run into if you use MED-V on a Windows 7 host that is set to use the Japanese language. What happens is that when a MED-V v2.0 Windows 7 host is set to use the Japanese language, the currently published MED-V applications may no longer appear on the start menu.          

This should only happen if you have the following update applied:

KB2541024 - Microsoft Enterprise Desktop Virtualization (MED-V) 2.0 – Localization Update (https://support.microsoft.com/kb/2541024/EN-US)

The reason for this is because the shortcuts are getting updated incorrectly, thus the applications are no longer visible.

Fortunately the fix is pretty straight forward. What we need to do is run these three commands on the Windows 7 host after the language change:

wmic /namespace:\\root\Microsoft\Medv PATH Setting set UxAppPublishingEnabled=0
REG DELETE "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MEDV\Application Publishing" /f
wmic /namespace:\\root\Microsoft\Medv PATH Setting set UxAppPublishingEnabled=1

Once you restart the computer the icons will republish automatically although it may take a few seconds as the MED-V Workspace starts up.

Note that these commands can be run via a script or they can be run manually – your choice.

John Behneman | Senior Support Escalation Engineer | Microsoft CTS Management and Security Division

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