X#: There and back again
It looks like X# might just see the light of day afterall, as the foundation of a even more ambitious research language from Microsoft. This article actually gets most of all the facts right. Except it doesn't mention my brilliance anywhere.
X# == Xen == C Omega == X Omega
If you have a good idea for a new c# based language, just make up an appropriate sounding name and add it to the list!
- Anonymous
March 26, 2004
Take Outs for 26 March 2004. - Anonymous
March 27, 2004
Not exactly C#-based, but I'm holding out for B#:
http://www.tallent.us/CommentView.aspx?guid=3f8f528b-1981-43f4-8c1c-383f404f5aff - Anonymous
March 31, 2004
It's always interesting to read back through the tracks of time. Who's name is included? Who's idea was it? Who drove the group?
All I can say is, once C/XOmega is out, I will be very happy to use it.